
It may be a godless, soulless Commie plane, but it is good looking.
Any word if these things, in fact, can be tracked by American submarines’ sonar? :D

You’re no Louis Slotin. ;)

Hey, it was just a nice illustration I found with cursory googling. :D
Finding genuine high-altitude photos is hard AF:

Americans respecting the speed limit:

Well you can Wikipedia it & see the sources.

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Oh, I agree. There’s very-rosy videos highlighting the interoperability of this system of systems:

The thoughtcrime is real.

If decoys & warheads are separated in the exoatmospheric phase decoys will also give themselves away by being cold.

Supposedly, all ABM assets America fields are integrated into a world-wide system; that’s why the Chinese (rightly) complain about THAAD basing cause it’s just 1 more sensor and on their veritable doorstop.
That it’s also an entirely-legitimate tool in the defense of the RoK from DPRK is just unfortunate. :)


In fact there is (One) massive, sea-based X-band radar, the purpose of which is mid-course identification and target discrimination or ICBM’s. (Size of an oil rig, and general shape)

My original point was glib shitposting to be honest, but since you brought up gerrymandering... YES.
Both sides do the fuck out of that. But I don’t ignore it.

Wonder who ran up the score the last 86 years?

The Democrats have remained crooks the entire time, though.
They used to steal elections by suppressing the black vote, now they do it by suppressing voter protection laws which would sniff out my dead grandparents & hordes of illegals votes from counting.

So not everything’s changed, you see. ;)

Reality gets stranger than any fiction when Russia starts to become a more-reliable ally in the fight against radical Islam & terrorism.
Indeed, Northern & Western Europe are slowly transmogrifying into breeding grounds for exactly that.

We weren’t; the Deep South was practically a third world nation within the United States until World War 2.

I-10 through Arizona (I don’t go towards Phoenix/LA — San Diego bound always) — almost the entire stretch is only 2 lanes, no one passes on the left, and there’s generally a ton of cops, especially in and on both sides of Tuscon. It’s 3-4 hours of frustrating driving.

By now surely the rocket motors aren’t viable, IIRC.
Also, find?

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They both happen. Aye, America keeps control. And the world is far better off for it. You’d rue the “Chinese Century” if it comes to pass.

Nature abhors a vacuum...

That would convey a diplomatic signal which is almost guaranteed to be taken advantage of in many potential ways, by the Norks, PRC & Russia.

I don’t entirely disagree with the principle of the matter.
Indeed, such a pullout could be balanced in a manner by increasing our presence in other, peripheral areas of Asia