Synchronise Your Dogmas

So sassy.

Question for my American (and Canadian!) chums - have any of you seen our Utopia? If not, if you find it online or somewhere's showing it - watch it. It's a pretty incredible series (and it's got some satisfyingly twisty elements in it too).



Yeah, but for ultimate LOL-own-goal, she should have thrown something in about his sexuality. I'm sure if she had had a chance to go even further off her perch she would have slid into that pool of goo eventually.

Please tell me that fuckwit was later arrested. Or that she ended up driving into a tanker full of shit.

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I remember going to see this film when it first came out and coming out of the cinema and thinking "well, meh". It definitely didn't hit me as hard as Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and definitely left me with a nasty urge to smack Zach Braff across the face with a mallet. Completely ruined my appetite for

Stick to what you're best at, Kanye - being mediocre.

Yeah, but there's nothing stopping someone from creating a cartel on extraterrestrial gold (ooh, I like that. Spaaaaaaace gold!) just like they did with diamonds.

Had an RE (Religious Education) teacher who claimed that abortion would lead to a baby's soul being sent to hell. Which was cheery of him. But he also claimed that using nuclear weapons on African people was okay in the eyes of God.

That's cool - I don't have kids.

That is so wicked. I wonder, though - I know that dogs have a habit with me of thinking they own the bed (seriously, every dog I've ever had has shoved me off at some point). How bad would a cheetah be?

I'm fairly certain that the ancient Pharoahs used to keep cheetahs like we would keep dogs. I'm sure I read somewhere that they were bred for hunting game.

I was actually really pleased they cast Mara as Lisbeth, purely because I had seen a couple of things she had been in and knew she could easily play Lisbeth, but also because she went to extremes in making Lisbeth into a real, living creature on screen. Rapace is still the best, of course (no one does cold hostility

I'm actually a little in awe of the power of Twitter at this point. There are Gazans tweeting people in Ferguson, telling them what to do and what not to do when they're exposed to tear gas, which is just a little bit of surreal to add to an already surreal and unacceptable situation. What's happening in Ferguson

Yes, but the obnoxiousness was key to the character and made him utterly awesome. Plus, Joffrey's a little bitch. Even Sansa could have bitchslapped him if she hadn't been so terrified of him.

Clarissa Darling. I fucking hated that obnoxious, smug, whiter-than-white and purer-than-snow little fuckwit. Every episode of that awful show, I prayed for the moment where Fergus would smack her head in with a baseball bat, or her mother would admit that she was the product of genetic engineering, or that her

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Gilliam's got a lot to live up to if he wants to make my icy wee heart sing like it did with this...

Even more so than that - in Excession, a part of the plot revolved around two lovers who both became female and both chose to carry each other's child. Banks dealt some pretty interesting cards in the sexuality game. Gender-swapping in the Culture was apparently quite normal - in fact, it seemed to be expected that