Synchronise Your Dogmas

The Fall Revolution books - The Star Fraction, The Stone Canal, The Cassini Division and The Sky Road. Especially the latter, purely because it's one of the few rare books that I've read that feature an apocalypse event (thanks to that book, I figured out what was happening in Gravity based purely on "Sandra Bullock

The north-west Highlands in Scotland. Anything and everything to the north and west of Fort William, right up to Inverness - anything on the opposite side of the Great Glen. There have been films made that utilise the scenery for sci-fi films - notably 2001, Flash Gordon and Prometheus - and in some places the

Or something that already exists, here on Earth - trees. There's a place in India, Cherrapunji, where they have built bridges from living trees and have done so for centuries. They're rather impressively beautiful.

I think the Tripods trilogy should be made into films, or the BBC should drop the bloated dead donkey that is Who and do a new series (they made two series in the early 1980s. The effects were, literally, cutting-edge for the time). The only problem people would have would be that the main characters are all white

You're missing the point. The outbreak in the book wasn't located or confined to one single place and when it happened, the military were caught with their collective panties round their ankles. Add in the fact that the outbreak started off with small numbers of victims that then turned into entire cities (there's a

Oh my giddy aunt. I'm so getting this. I just hope they have a world-building option like on Civ3 (my favourite) - I love the idea of just finding a blank map and sending my little minions scurrying around the world...

God, I wanted to ride him like the cheapest pony at the beach when I was younger. That *hair*. My God, I could have done things to that hair. But nowadays, meh.

I love Maria Hill. It'd be nice if she had more screentime on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D as well as the films. Ditto Sif - two criminally underused characters and could be a real kick in the teeth to the arsewipes that claim that no one wants to see female superheroes unless they're fighting someone in a thong and a

I'd like to think that your bog-standard romance reader's got enough gumption to figure out that condoms = less chance of getting something nasty (and possibly itchy) after doing the wild horizontal rhumba under the duvet. I just hope - thinking back to my time reading through (and crying with laughter) Fandom Wank -

The Showgirls pool-sex scene is still one of the most startlingly hilarious pieces of shit ever committed to film. I don't know what is more LOL-tastic: the champers on the nipples, him groping her through the waterfall, or the "dying salmon being fisted" thrashing Lizzie puts herself through. She's such an artiste.

Mock not the Blossom!

SBTB was fucking dreadful. I kept waiting for the inevitable episode (nowadays, mind you) where someone snaps and takes out half of the student body with a series of well-aimed paperclips. Zack Morris and his boyfriend, sorry, "Best Friend", Slater were fucking bullies and complete cretins to boot. The reality of

Uh huh. Tell me again, though - are you the slapper who's slept with every boy in town to make a grandiose claim to know exactly how every Scottish guy thinks? I'm only asking because, well, as my Mother would say - speak to me like a twat, I'll treat you like a cunt. Now, as I said before - you're dismissed love.

I agree about "organic". It's nothing more than a gimmick. Besides, if you're trying to eat within a budget, eating the foods from the more expensive aisles is counterproductive.

Of course, dear. Have you slept with every man in Scotland to say you're the expert on us, hmm?

I fail to see what's wrong with someone breastfeeding their infant in public. Rather the wee git gets fed than screams the place down. If you don't like looking at someone's boobs (ZOMIGOD, CHESTICLES!!?!?) then avert your fucking eyes, you knuckle-draggers.

It's better than Star Wars. At least it doesn't take itself seriously. Plus, it has opera right in the middle of it. Name me one decent American sci-fi film that can pull *that* performance off. I'll be over here, waiting, nomming on my Gemini croquettes. Green? Crystal green.

In the sexual sense, yes, we're tighter than a quarterback's arse-ring upon graduation. Financially, it doesn't work like that. The tight-fisted Scotsman is a bit of a cliche - Andrew Carnegie was a Fife boy (born in Dunfermline) - probably borne out of resentment towards Scotland from various sources. There's

Chris, love, you and Gwynnie might be proud parents, bestest fwiends foweva or whatever - but you're still both an insufferable pair of rancid pricks. Please tell us that the strain of your uncoupling means we won't have to suffer a new Coldplay album for a few years. Please.