Synchronise Your Dogmas

I hope she gets to bring some measure of the restrained crazy she pumped into Three in BSG. She was deliciously fucked-up, that one.

Whilst I think the Hunger Games are good books for kids, they're not really anything spectacular, sci-fi wise. Dystopias have been done far better, more brutally and more viciously than Panem. That's not to say that the books don't have their merits - the heroine is a fucked-up tyke at the start of the books, and

They are *seriously* great wee birds - nosey, cheeky and a wee bit psychotic. I've been told that some schools in New Zealand have had to install wire nets over playgrounds to stop the wee beggars from dive-bombing the kids.

There are three birds that I'm genuinely scared/impressed by - the Barn Owl, the Mute Swan and the Kea. If you don't know what a Kea is, prepare to go "aaaaawww!" and then "wait...what?!"

Because some idiots can't accept that humans can do something supposedly so impossible.

Ugh, in the same vein as "White Guy Saves The World", you have "Black Character Who Has To Die A Noble Death" crap. X-Men: First Class? I'm looking at you.

Yeah, pretty much every one of the Star Wars films. Highly overrated crap with a one-trick director behind them. I'm not sure if they should be destroyed for cheapening science-fiction films, or for the lousy plotting, or Jar Jar Binks. I'm sure it'll come to me (unlike inspiration to make a decent film does for

God, not that technicoloured little scrote. That little witch was just itching for someone to zap her with a gallon of paint thinner. BAN THIS FILTH!

Shut the fuck up, Kim.


The one I love is the "cutting my hair to reflect that I'm getting back on track, fuck yeah!" Classic example: Starbuck on BSG. Gets off New Caprica, discovers that the tot isn't hers, dropkicks aforementioned sprog back to her family and whaps off a few inches of scalp-weed. Classic.

The Transformer plane isn't a manned plane, but rather a series of drone aircraft. Drones are becoming more and more sophisticated - why trust a human to fly a plane that complex when a fairly advanced computer can do the job far better - and the requirements of that aircraft would pretty much be for precision flying

I mentioned Cloud Atlas - this was a film that I was definitely looking forward to, and I have to say that I wasn't disappointed by it. The thing that amused me about that film was that people saw the name "Wachowski" attached to it and automatically said "Oh it's going to be a fabulous and weird action thriller".

The Golden Compass was always doomed to failure as a big-budget tentpole flick. Maybe as an independent movie (yes, indie films can go that lavish - Cloud Atlas is claimed to be one of the most expensive indie films ever made - look at how the film was financed and think "holy crap") but not as a big budget flick.

Yup. That's where my username came from. I especially love the "gravitas" sequence of Culture ships. A lot of the names actually relate to the stories they pop up in too.

I've found that people don't really get into BSG for pretty simple reasons, one of which is the moral ambiguity constantly present in the storylines, but also because the storylines *aren't* "episode of the week" stuff - everything is connected and resonates in later episodes (classic example: Precipice leads

Or super-herpes. God knows what Supes is carrying around in that suit.

Hey, Omar? They're not zombies. They're marching for their civil rights. You, sir, are what we call "a wankpot".

I don't know. I think it adds something to the whole shitty franchise. Something that'll be taken away the next time Lucas wants to milk some cash from the fans, naturally. (Kidding - what the fuck is that riding that bike?!?)

BSG was unique in a lot of respects. For one, it didn't just nod in the direction of the way US politics and culture was going in the wake of 9/11 - it bloody well rode it good and proper and didn't call it back in the morning. From the miniseries - the bit I always refer people to is the radio conversation Roslin