Synchronise Your Dogmas

The Player Of Games or Look To Windward.


They're going to be filming in Andalucia, eh? Please, please, *please* let them film in the Alcazar of Seville and the gardens. They're beyond beautiful (seriously - look up the Patio de las Doncellas), not to mention the Torre del Oro - if they can figure out a way to get that into the show, I'll be a very happy

God, please let this come out on cassette. There is nothing - repeat, nothing - like getting a mix-tape. This would be one of the ultimate mix-tapes. Plus, they could team up with BiC to make a few GotG-branded pens to wind the tapes on...

You shut your mouth, you....heathen!

Now, see, I don't know why the Interchangeable Bad Guy of the week didn't just waste her and her little fetish-outfit friends when they were going through that lengthy costume-change, to be frank. Plus, nail polish even though she's wearing gloves? *Really*?

Christ, if those four rub together, they could spark an inferno.

1950s (for women). Because no woman alive has pyramids for boobs. And those hairstyles were more like helmets spun from steel wire. For men - no one needs those capacious chinos.

Let's be frank: when your sister is famous *only* for having a fat, wobbly, gigantic arse the size of Neptune's orbit (and that conveniently overlooked sex-tape), your sisters are frightening horrors that wouldn't look out of place in a Walking Dead episode, and your mother is a fame-hungry MummyZilla - wouldn't you

It's still a fucking ugly building - typical of embassies worldwide. I'm curious - when did the US start to become so terrified of the locals that they started putting up shitting great bunkers anyway? I thought this was USA (fuck yeah), the nation that'll bomb you and your wedding party for mooning a soldier the