
I believe it got merged into Life with Playstation.

You know, I haven't read anywhere how is this outage is affecting Folding@Home.

Portal 2. Again, but with my girlfriend driving (god it takes so long for her to complete a puzzle or even move though Portals). Then again, alone, with an emphasis on exploring everything. Then again, with the developer's commentary. Maybe some co-op if the gf gets good enough.

Yay! I saw the CryEngine3 at GDC 2010 and was blown away by how beautiful it looked. This is definitely good news.

Um, it's possible. Don't troll unless you can see the future.

I like how T-Mobile still runs the "Hey, iPhone 4..." ads. It's almost as funny when Blockbuster ran the "can't wait for 30 days" ads and then they lost exclusivity for those movie studios.

Yeah, even my 3GS is lagging a lot lately.

He's a greedy piece of shit, who has no interest in creating great games, only popular ones.

Hey! That comparison is an insult to cows!

His ideals are as bad as his taste in shirts.

I remember playing Contra with my dad when I was young. Not only was a great bonding experience, but it was the first game I ever beat. Special place. But now, he can't even figure out how to turn on the Wii. And he told me it took him a week of playing Angry Birds before he figured out he didn't have to touch the

True, every business person knows how to make money, otherwise they wouldn't be in business. I don't get that icky feeling like I do when I read/hear Bobby Kotick say shit, though. That's basically the point I was trying to make.

It's ssssssymmmmbolism.

I've been having problems for the past week. On boot, it won't log on, and it'll spit out that error code. If I login manually, it'll go through. Thought it was my router, unplugged that shit about 20 times.

Get friends with taste.

He really is. I saw him talk once in San Francisco, he is very intelligent and actually thinks about how to take games to the next step behind the hood. I don't particularly like his games, but I like how he's not all "What makes money? Shooters! Yay! Churn it out! Money!".

It's simple. Being an asshole gets results.

I was talking more about the extremely wide hallways and alien.

Hey! That looks like my house!

Crap, you guys, this is bad. This is bad news! My Dad is going to call all paranoid and crotchety. Now I have to tell him it's not big deal and that nobody but him and Mom cares where he goes.