
The Russians have had less fatalities than NASA, and they've been using 40 year old space craft without any incidents since it's inception in the 70's.

They put new tiles on it after every mission. The wear and tear look is misleading.

Nobody else has a space shuttle. I'll admit, it's misleading headline, only because it assumes nobody will ever use a space shuttle. But it's Giz. They do this. A lot.

They are the last humans to ride the space shuttle.

Yeah, because in the face of imminent destruction, the first thing to come to mind is to get on board the space shuttle housed in a museum.

True, except Nasa's budget since the early 90's has been billions of dollars a year. And a lot of people don't like giving NASA that kind of money, which is a shame. Honestly, the only way I can see a lot of support and money going to NASA is to beat another country out of doing something crazy like going to Mars.

Not really. That's like saying there is an equal chance of pigs being able to fly as not. Which, according to common sense, we know is not true.

Seems like Christ Centered Gamer isn't an appropriate name for the website. Maybe Sensitive Christian Gamer would be better.

I didn't adjust to WITHIN a few minutes.

And the haters train for this game, thus trying to increase debate of the game, starts here.

I like that


I wouldn't call this a Trailer. Teaser would be much more appropriate.

Oh. I assumed it was everything for $800. Yeah, CPU-Mobo-Graphics-RAM for that can get you some decent stuff. I stand corrected.

Even $800 in parts is going low end. And I don't respond to people who buy computers from Dell/Alienware. Unless they are really really hot.

Your argument requires the other side to use logic and common sense which I'm guessing is not an attribute Ms. Keller has.

I don't play singleplayer man! And my thread was more of a rhetorical joke than a question.

I don't think it has any extra content than the DVD does.

It's probably because they outsourced their programming.