
I thought that bus ride scene worked quite well. You sort of felt hopeless and sad to see all the atrocities going on around you. I have to say, that was the first game in the past few years to make me feel emotional (the last one being the end of Half Life 2 Episode 2). Too bad from then on the entire game failed to

That game were terrible. I mean Kudos if you liked it and everything, but I couldn't get past how clunky the game was. I did dig the contrasted areas, though.

That's some strong Legionella bacterium to survive in such a high temperature environment like that. Also because of competition from the gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes strains.

Ha ha, no worries.

I believe it was when kids went to school concealing automatic weapons and ended up killing a bunch of innocent people.

I seriously doubt it. They won't overshadow something huge like Portal 2's release.

It really is an amazing game. Even today.

I won't be doing anything productive for the next hour. And I predict if this game does release early, I won't be doing anything productive for the next half week or so.

I like how they have a crazy idea session, just to get them out of the way.

Hmm, don't care. I like your name, though.

I don't know, man, I don't think EA would make this big of a fuss about it if it were previously viewed videos. Wait, are you from Activision? Bobby?

I'm waiting for the FPS where you can use hand gestures, voice control and posture to control your player. Otherwise, I'm going to pass on this thing.


So, what you're saying is if you pay for something electronic and it doesn't satisfy you properly, don't complain about it?

Yeah, right there with you. But, my phone works fine now and I guess I have no problem waiting another few months.

That won't work. I'm referring to the "buy your own damn copy" and talking fast so she doesn't catch it all.

drat. Oh well, looks the girlfriend will have to buy her own damn copy.

Does anybody know if that means you can play on both a PC and Mac at the same time with the same account?

I don't know if it happens in every game, but I've noticed console shooters snap onto enemies pretty easily. This doesn't happen on PC games. Maybe that could balance things out a bit?

True, however that should never excuse the industry from improving itself.