
I worked at Lucas LTD for a while and got to tour ILM on my own accord. It was bloody awesome. I rode in the elevator with Dennis Muren, John Knoll, and M. Night Shyamalan + entourage.

@stre: The ring size is what I was referring to. With that ring size, there would be a discrepancy between the gravity felt at one's feet and at one's head causing disorientation and motion sickness.

This set made me love centrifuges in space ships. Too bad it wouldn't work in real life.

Jim thinks your pranks are shit.

@theimmc: and shark infested!

"a system that will watch moviegoers and analyze how they're reacting to what they're seeing on the big screen"

@OCEntertainment: "There's been this rumor going around about Facebook raping a murdering a young girl in 1990. Statute of Limitations."

@zadtheinhaler: Nice. I had a seek wah, but when money is tight, expensive toys like that are the first to go.

Way to respond to rumors, Mark. Now every time someone starts a rumor, you're going to have to respond.

I still prefer the look of ZVex effects:

Nebraska. Where sophomoric humor, large trucks, and not learning from your mistake is commonplace.

Someday EA will realize that innovation is brought upon by the disenfranchised developers who start new companies. Until that day arrives, EA games will stay woefully mediocre.

@UERD: All I remember is mismanagement, poor game design, an all around poor game development experience. I was semi inebriated when I heard about this.

I worked with a guy who worked on this at EA. He did NOT have good things to say about it.

@RockyRan: Polish doesn't necessarily mean bugs. It means the game looks and plays like shit and few if any beta play testers would buy this game.

I figure they would have been stamped years ago, since, you know, it's not the box art or disc design that keeps pushing the release date back.

@isochronous: Very very similar. Except one is in an engaging story. And the other is a Tripod.

LAME! This has got to be the wor-Holy shit, the tuning knob lights up. Awesome!

There will be nothing left to stop them