
Oh man, AT&T is going to jump all over this with their next ad campaign.

Too bad it belongs to Ewe Boll and his movies will still suck.

Too bad it belongs to Ewe Boll and his movies will still suck.

No. 2 looks like an angry bad guy from a 1950's cartoon.

Just goes to show you that iPads are for idiots.

He also ate a bunch of Twinkies and was trying to impress Jodie Foster.

There is something seriously wrong with that phone...its has full 3G reception.

Yeah, that's what happens you have no windows.

@zenneth: Trailers always look better than their source, but I see your point.

No, what's going to be annoying is watching the full hour of a road trip to Delaware as opposed to the trailer.

Thems be fightin' words!

Best. Movie. Ever. That is all.

Parents giving children expensive gadgets to play around with is so foreign to me. As a rule of thumb, I don't give anybody my gadgets who have no concept of what it's intended design is or is prone to dropping said gadgets or putting it in their mouth.

@Super Happy Hats!: Exactly. I'm not an engineer, but I work with 3d software. Why? Because building shit with Legos rocked.

You forgot to mention the ironic incident where Homer's butt actually prevented the release of toxic gas.

The original movies are only great because Lucas didn't have enough time, money, or technology to do what he originally wanted to do.

My iPod Photo 30 GB is still working...wherever it is...