
My wife caught one right after the event ended and it turned into a chicorita. I heard of it doing that for others. The rest of ours all turned into ditto.

I’m not to familiar with Pokemon stuff, it seems like this is a never before seen pokemon. I’d imagine having a completely new Pokemon appear first in a non standard Pokemon title is uncommon isn't? 

It does look nuts

It’s highly unlikely that it’s a placeholder considering it has unique animations, a new cry, and a shiny form.

I care almost nothing about this thing but i need a ditto.

Not as bizarre as people think if you consider they already started working on the sequel. That means there was a rewrite of the next game which has not been announced yet that required a change in the previous one before release. 

The governing body for a ‘Sanctioned Magic Tournament’ is an organisation called ‘The DCI’ - which while formed by Wotc (the company) is comprised of players who have volunteered their time and have to prove their expertise to the rules to Judge (ref) tournaments.

But it isn’t unusual for a Governing body to pay the

If you’re ever confused about this whole thing, just remember that people pay thousands of dollars to sit in a stadium to watch grown adults play what is essentially a playground game for kids.

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was left in by accident with the intention being to attach it to some later DLC or New Game+/Ultra Difficulty mode a la Halo.

“Shit, we’ve accidentally written such great chemistry between these two characters everyone thinks they’re a couple. Should we maybe roll with this and see how it leads to new narrative arcs in the games?”

Yeah, I did a paper draft for the first time since the original Zenidikar recently and Jesus, yeah the cards feel like shit. Magic Online is still the same basic janky Windows only crap it was almost 20 years ago. Sucks that the free Hearthstone, and Pokemon TCG Online are so much more polished and cross platform. I’d

By the way, as a complete side comment, I find hilarious how hard they wrote Lara’s best friend Sam out of the games.

They’re professional athletes.
You wouldn’t call playing a sport professionally “an expensive hobby.”

With the amount of money Magic: The Gathering brings in, millions and millions of dollars a set, it’d be nice if they could spend some of that on encouraging and promoting the players who make it visible and succeed at it the most.

It’s overspending on headcount. Their burn rate eclipsed their income, and they didn’t have enough in the bank to keep the company afloat long enough to correct the situation. They tried to develop too many games at the same time, and their licenses probably put contractual obligations on delivery dates, meaning they

Story games with very expensive licenses...

So long as you aren’t pirating/stealing them it’s not like you’re paying any less for them than they were willing to sell them for.

Interesting twitter thread here:

Their games may have been rudimentary and derivative (of each other) in terms of gameplay, and their “branching” story structure was all illusion of choice, but man, did they tell some pretty good stories. It’s sad to see another studio claimed by “grew too big too fast.” One of the hardest things for companies to