
George Orwell’s Animal Farm Crossing!

Palette swapping is basically the video game equivalent of quantum entanglement, so yes, Mario died. But also, Mario & Luigi are alive and dead at the same time until someone looks inside this box:

Uhh, You just might need to clean the PS4's vents. :P

This is Puerto Rico we’re talking about.  I’m sure El Cheeto would be more likly to put the air quotes around the “people” in ‘dead people’.

We are doing what we fucking can, unless your are volunteering to swoop on down here and rescue us from this asshole that most of us (certainly on this particular site and in the nation as a whole) didn’t vote for and absolutely detest.

He will. A lot of them are white.

He could be (and probably should be) the best informed human being on the planet, and he doesn’t know the fucking weather forecast being broadcast on any of six or seven national news networks.

They are in states that are primarily Red, so I expect them to get TLC.

For a brief period of time—when it actually mattered in my life—talent in art was wealth gated.

I think it’s much more likely that you just don’t know how to analyze and discuss art beyond immediate visual appeal

If you think Jackson Pollock’s paintings are the art then you don’t understand Jackson Pollock. His paintings hanging in the museums are evidence of his art, but are not actually the art itself. To him the art was in the process. This is why he videotaped himself painting.

But beyond that you have such a narrow minded

Wow. Everything is classy in Latin.

There’s a difference between allowing players to wear a shoe color and allowing players to wear gear emblazoned with an acronym telling viewers to fuck themselves. Whether or not that’s the intent of the team, (and at this point I have to assume it is, otherwise, why not change the name and avoid the issue entirely,)

And those leagues get eternally clowned for fashion policing

no, the streamer can ban assholes, he just needs to start having mods actually get rid of those who can’t be acceptable

They didn’t. That’s why they needed cowboy checkers. Whenever somebody thought they were a cowboy, the cowboy checkers would come over and verify that they possessed the proper attributes to be a cowboy. Nobody ever did, and then the Empire fell. Sad.

Puella Magi Madoka is probably one of the more famous series out there as its a “magical girl” anime that criticizes the actual dire implications of giving a young girl “magical powers” and sending them off to fight monstosities that will most likely murder them.

So satire does exist in a variety of anime for sure.

There’s generally not enough satire in anime. I guess Japanese culture means people just find it more uncomfortable than funny...?


I find this hilarious because not only did he look and sound like an idiot but here in the uk we have politicians spending way more than £20 000. One such person charged an £87 breakfast to the tax payers and yet blames all the debt problems on the poorest in society. I honestly believe if someone is earning in excess