
Gender Bender, mind break, big breasts, doggystyle, gangbang, and the occasional futa-on-female are some of my personal “interests”. I know about a lot of other ones, but that’s because there are a few you typically run into when perusing the stuff I like. Things like Breast Expansion, vore(ew), coprophilia(also ew),

I’ll inflate your likes for a link lol

Explains why it was shot down.

Literally no one does this. I’ve been up and down Texas, from Dallas to Austin to San Antonio and back, and I’ve never met anyone who thinks like that. Either they treat the day with respect for the dead and wounded, or they’ve forgotten and moved on. Either your in-laws are *very* misinformed, or they’re from way up

Why are y’all blaming this on him being white? This isn’t because he’s white, it’s because he’s fucking stupid.

You kinda just did, mate.

They’re probably either hacked or ripoffs made in China from excess iPhone parts; the closer you get to the Chinese center of iPhone production, the more spare parts and illicit products you see.

This game seems like it’ll blow its *load* pretty quickly...

Or Lanipator, for that matter- his Vegeta and Krillin voices are so damn good X3

With a name like “Kok”, ya know this guy had a hard time in school.

I sure as fuck wouldn’t eat that. It’s been left out so long the mold has grown sentient!

Am 19 years old, can confirm Snapchat is fucking stupid. It’s not about being old, it’s about being mature. And not vapid.

Genjicat fits Kotaku pretty well. Other than that, most of the funny/good stuff on the web is either not in a comic strip format or syndicated and copyrighted.

Glad somebody else watches DBZA XD

It’s pretty weird, yeah. 

“Eek out” should be “eke out”, assuming it’s not Halloween. Also “Nintendo” is spelled “Nintnedo” in the last sentence of the third to last paragraph.

That gif looks like he’s the master of tiddygroping-jutsu XP

Kid Icarus: Uprising is my favorite game of all time, hands-down and with no competition. I’ve put in so many hundreds of hours in my main save, and played through from scratch dozens of times. Yet, I still have new things to do- I haven’t filled out all the achievements, I haven’t beaten all the levels on 9.0, I

I can tell you right now those asshats would get an earful from me if they were talking shit about someone like that (especially if they were talking shit about one of my favorite kotaku writers). I can understand not wanting to play with children, but why do people think women can’t play videogames? I honestly don’t

I can tell you right now those asshats would get an earful from me if they were talking shit about someone like that (especially if they were talking shit about one of my favorite kotaku writers). I can understand not wanting to play with children, but why do people think women can’t play videogames?