
Did you see the minigun shots they were using in the MHWorld trailer? Talk about over-the-top lol

I love gunning anyways, so if they don’t hire the same team of retarded chimpanzees that they hired for 3U’s gunner controls, I’ll definitely be looking forward to it!

I typically use Gunlance, S&S, Charge Blade, and Insect Glaive for blademaster/most solo hunts, but I use LBG every chance I get. I also use HBG a lot in MH3U and Gen, but never in 4U. It’s pretty much a death sentence in 4U, because monsters can just combo you relentlessly and they rarely switch their target once

Brian, it’s a fucking Heavy Bowgun. All y’all twats clearly never played Monster Hunter in your life lol

If you have friends to play with, it’s worth it in every way. And I mean it- it’s probably the most fun I’ve ever had in a multiplayer videogame series. That said, it’s... *very* obvious you’ve never played.

Game AI is programmed to cheat because of one simple thing:

Two words should clue ya in there-

Luke, you can kindly go fuck yourself, I think they’re adorable. If you want anatomically correct figures, there is actual porn on the internet.

Now playing

Well, when the purge eventually happens, at least I have the perfect soundtrack-

If you’re looking for a good single player experience, I’d suggest Zelda: BotW or Horizon: Zero Dawn or any one of the other 500 open-world games that came out in the last 6 months. Wildlands is best played with friends. But, if you do have a friend or two to play with, then I absolutely recommend it- there are few

Sorry, man- they’re like herpes! All it took was one conservative twat and now you’re stuck with ‘em forever.

Mario was just doing something to make his brother feel like a million bucks. It’s cute ^w^

I think it was Mario doing something to make his brother feel like a million bucks. It’s cute ^w^

It’s much more fun to design these kinds of things and watch other people play them than it is to actually play them yourself.

Level designers often make secret shortcuts on really tough levels like this one. More often than not, especially if it’s a long one, you create multiple shortcuts to test each area to see if it’s possible, then delete them all and replace them with a direct shortcut to the end before you upload.

I’m gonna reply just to say wtf even...?

Are you allowed to not be a curmudgeon?

Honestly, people just don’t like immigrants. People didn’t like the Irish when they first started moving over, then they found their place and people moved on. Then people didn’t like Eastern Europeans, Chinese, etc, and they, too, found their places and people moved their hatred to the new waves of immigrants. It

I personally find military history fascinating. Especially WWI, where modern tactics evolved, and WWII, which played host to one of the most terrifying and efficient military forces ever assembled by man. I like pouring over Nazi weaponry and tactics because they’re so uniquely innovative, but I don’t dodge the fact

Yes, but non-native speakers of any language tend to make unique mistakes here and there. Unless a person is *completely* fluent in a language, there will be tells. For instance, native speakers of kanji-based languages typically don’t capitalize very well in writing, and speakers of languages that do not have