
Well, I would have liked to see the breast slider for the female PC creator, but otherwise I don’t really see why people care so much.

If you’re looking for a good game to get in on, I’d recommend MH4U on the 3DS. It’s very forgiving to newcomers, the weapons and combos are easy to learn and feel better than MH Gen, it has a great tutorial and robust single player campaign, and it introduces a lot of great new mechanics to the series that don’t exist

I’m an avid bowgunner myself, but that minigun looks like a *little* much, man. I’d like to recover parts from my smoking monster corpse, thankyouverymuch.

I imagine that it’s going to be a cinematic-length miniseries. It honestly makes the most sense for an adaptation of a manga like Pluto.

Well, I agree wholeheartedly with that. But I’d still love to adventure with Zelda after the endgame.

The hell are you replying to me for? I didn’t say anything about Rocket League.

2016: Wii U; Sony fanboys predict the downfall of Nintendo

Can we PLEASE get another Pokémon XD? I would vastly prefer having a Shadow Pokémon title on the Switch than a main game.

Honestly, I’d rather see another Pokémon game à la the Shadow Pokémon titles on GameCube. The main games I’m fine with having on the cheaper portables.

Welcome to JRPGs?

I loved the gameplay of Xenoblade X waaay more than the first one, but I agree with you that the story just can’t possibly compare. It felt like they just shoehorned in the first act of something that could have been so much better. Had the story not been depressingly short, or had they added in story DLC, I’d have

Seriously, fuck this game. I WANT MY ZELDA DAMMIT!!!

So, still no adventuring with Zelda as suggested by the post-final boss cutscene. I’d still give it a GODDAMMIT WHY outta 10 here.

Pretty much just because Halo. And maybe 3 hardcore communities across the world will actually do it, but it takes, like, zero actual effort to add the feature in, so why not?

Because Ubisoft and because money, actually.

It’s basically a game about giant epic boss battles against things that are 50 times your size at minimum. It also has a story that no one really cares about.

There’s an inherent danger in dredging up old stuff like this. Almost everyone is constantly changing, especially younger people who aren’t yet trapped in their old ways. I’d honestly be more surprised if he really was the same person from 3 years ago.

What even is this game? Is it a hero shooter à la Overwatch, Paladins, and the like?

At first I thought it looked like what Xenoblade Chronicles X *should* have been, then I realized that they’re probably going to botch this one, as well. Unless it’s cross-platform, fuck it.

Winston’s little butt-wiggle captured perfectly, of course! x3