
Well, if that’s the truth I guess you’re right. I live in central Florida, the fuck do I know? We have statues of Alligators and the great Seminole heroes here.

YOU LED ME DOWN A TVTROPES WORMHOLE!! At least I escaped before it became hours...

Nice RWBY reference lol

You raise an excellent point XD

Luke Plunkett agrees with Luke Plunkett that Luke Plunkett is agreeable.

It’s exactly why I’m not playing competitive atm. I want to be really good and have a wide hero pool before I start, that way it’s easier for me to climb and I don’t have to buy another copy of the game if I want to be accurately represented in-game.

I think the statues should be preserved, maybe put in a museum or something, just for the sake of history. We can’t afford to forget this stuff, as painful as it is.

Why a Dualshock 4, though? It’s so bad...

A majority of the “strategies” that pros use are pretty much universally understood. It’s just knowing how to counter certain comps, when to switch to what in-game, what works on which maps, how to communicate effectively, and how to use ultimates. Every pro team knows this shit, the rest comes down to applying it

The tentacle animation is especially cool! It’s really difficult to do well.

I’ve always wondered about whether it would even work for me. I’m very tall, so I imagine I’d have to curl up into a little ball to fit.

“Does not appear to be effected”

It’s also pretty fun leaping up to Widow’s perch with Winston and watching her panic and haul ass outta the way lol

The problem with the new passive is that he doesn’t have nearly as much reliable burst healing as he used to. Hell, against normal health targets he’ll only get 40 instead of the 50 he used to get. It makes him better at tankbusting, but he doesn’t have the same sustain that he used to in the midfight. I’d expect some

Nah, man. More power to you! Hanzo’s downright scary in the right hands, but you have to have really high mechanical skill. I don’t, which is why I’m a Winston main lol

The trick here is diving in behind them with a Winston, Tracer, Genji etc and aggressively pushing the other team back in what is called “counter-initiation”. It requires more coordination that simply poking at the other team and hoping to get picks, but it’s much more effective.’s good at just putting her defense matrix in Pharah’s face and not letting her get any value whatsoever. Hell, one of the best ways to “counter” Pharah is to just avoid her as much as possible and play around her weaknesses with smart positioning. The problem is that doing so requires way more coordination than

I was slept for like 2 minutes straight playing as Winston. Tbf, the win condition for that Ana was to keep me from shredding their backline with the thunder and lightning of the demon ape god, but goddamnit that sucked so hard.

You’re an asshole and I hate you so much for doing this XO I got nap-trapped as Winston for 2 minutes straight by an Ana until Soldier came by and popped me in the face a couple times.

I wish I knew how the hell to play this game. I like being able to aim my punches with motion controls, but there’s a fine line between using motion controls properly and just randomly flailing. Also I suck at fighting games, so...