
Any statistician could tell you immediately that it would turn out to be pointless data. And lo and behold, it did.

I tend to rate matches highly if I’m matched with people who know how to work as a team or if the match is very close either way. I rate matches poorly if I’m matched with people who don’t know what they’re doing or are matched with people that are clearly vastly more or less skilled than I am. That said, I can see

I tended to rate matches highly when I was matched with people who know how to work as a team and/or the game was very close. But I can see how the data is pointless lol

Hopefully they can improve the writing beyond 5th grade, too. The more recent Pokémon games have been atrociously corny. But maybe that’s just me growing up and the games not growing with me.

Is it odd that none of these are scary to me? Why the hell are people afraid of *clowns*? Damn pansies.

No, fuck blue shells in general. I have the mechanical skills to rocket into first and stay there right from the beginning, and that’s usually what happens starting out, but because it’s MK in order to win, you have to stay the fuck out of first place until the last moment and cross your fingers that you don’t get

Dive is king nowadays. If you try to go in with a deathball, you’ll be eviscerated by Winston, Tracer, Genji, Pharah and the like. Unless you’re at a lower level of play where no one knows what the hell they’re doing and never coordinates, in which case it’ll probably barely work enough times for you to think it’s

The problem with doing what you say you’re doing is that you probably never wind up actually going in and fighting, instead poking at the enemies’ defenses and dying to the hordes of flankers that are common now. Try going in with your team all at once, using fast “dive” heroes and taking out the major threats while

I’ll tell you how to get better at Overwatch- watch Your Overwatch to develop your gamesense, learn who to prioritize, who’s a threat, etc. Mechanical skill is good, but it only gets you so far if you don’t know how to properly work with and enable your team. Tanks enable DPS units to better get their murder on and

The problem with standard controls is that there’s no way to aim your punches. The motion controls aren’t the best, but they’re the best way to play the game.

I love the idea of having a facehugger on a leash XD

Was Nerf Now referring to the fact that Darkest Dungeon is kind of a letdown? I don’t know that I get it...

Minecraft is the perfect game to relax to. Over the past few years, I’ve been building a massive mansion complex on top of a mountain overlooking a Mega Taiga. I go in whenever I need to chill and just build things. It’s one of those games that I could go back to forever, the second being Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Going the way of Valve, they did. Almost like they didn’t want to fuck up the 3rd one and leave it on a good note.

Why does anyone care about this?

Oh, no! Yamcha got Yamcha’d!

Is this Pokémon or Jojo’s?

I might also add that in Squad queue you can be in a team of 2, 3, or 4 people. Obviously a 4-man team gives you a slight advantage over those with less teammates, but it’s entirely possible to win with less than 4 people.

The thing here is that Lùcio literally *is* an entertainer and athlete. His whole shtick is that he’s an insanely popular EDM artist that’s using his influence to fight for good. The vast majority of Overwatch skins are based in the individual backstories of the heroes, and it wouldn’t make any sense from a character

Like an HOV lane? So, pointless and always abused? XP

Like an HOV lane? So, pointless and always abused? XP