
"But wait Jeff, I have an extra vote!" *votes for Carolyn*

ATL represent!

Will still use the "Emma is young" jokes even if I only have a year on you.

Please put this next to "irony" in the video version of the Oxford dictionary we'll all have on our Apple Eyes in 2020.

"I'm not stubborn. I think so quickly, I make up my mind and stand by it." Outpwlt. Outlhrrd. Outfrde.

There may have been fist pumping and cheering here in a way not seen since Natalie's Baylor move last year.

Also, I cannot wait for this Ponderosa video, or as CBS has edited it: The Shirin Minisodes. His pipe cleaner crown should just be a middle finger.

This was the hardest thing to write for the Purple Rock S31 post. Because he's so not special.

This was the best boot episode since Drewchebag. Dan is so bad at spelling. And life. And sleeping. And voting.

Only after they fire all the CBS interns for fact-checking fails.

Decoys. Kind of like Jenn's "winner edit".

You don't think Shirin is higher up on that list as a sympathy vote from the Purpl—er, general public?

That or Survivor is a giant front for the dermatology industry.

Oh looks it's a Sucks bot.

He is from Keithville. That's reason enough.

Varner won my vote with his video ender.

No way one takes the other to F3. (Plus the voting ends conveniently at 9pm finale day.) They'll both want the same goats.

Thank god he's not on next season or he'd complain about not being able to rent a jungle car for less money at 25.

Spoiler, not spoiler: So now that Mike and Carolyn are in the S31 voting pool, she's Final 4 and he wins, right?

Watching for the nature shots (Frogs facepalming! Fish turning into birds! Beeeeeees.) and challenges at this point. Because listening to Dan draw the line of "things that aren't cool" at whining is too much. Mike a damn joy to watch though. I will enjoy his victory.