
Sorry Rodney, your tattoo has been outplayed.

To hang viewers.

If I'm recalling tonight correctly, is this the first time Probst has gotten the episode title?

There was more spin in Probst's pre-season hype than any of the cups on that ride.

"SJDS is a better season" is not something I would have said back in October. And yet here we are. Those people were just dumb recruits. Not bad humans (except maybe Missy, if interviews are to be believed).

I'd let another competition reality show adopt me, but apparently that sucks as much as the abuse that watching this season has been. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to play Ponderosa videos on a loop from 8–9 for the next three Wednesdays.

I guess I still have Mike. AKA this season's tagline.

I'm getting really tired of these apologists on both here and Reddit. It's OK to not take the contrarian viewpoint once in a while, especially on an act so blatantly wrong. Everyone offended someone, yes, but only one person took it to such a low, uncalled for level and then laughed at it.

Eww, no Tyler is far from a Natalie. I think even Ann Veal got more screen time in Arrested Development.

While I agree, we all said the same stuff after Dan had his turn in the spotlight last week, and now he has an extra vote while the Pagonging continues.

If we record each of us flipping the bird to him, will we make more YouTube money than he did?

That's what, $20 in Google money for ad revenue?

For when Emma gets on: Aren't you glad you met everyone last week and not tonight?

Well with their current sponsors they can give you a garden hose that shoots M&Ms. Or the tools to build a dungeon for Will.

Sorry but Jersey Shores of Nicaragua aren't my thing. Mike or Shirin HAVE to win at this point right? Even so, if it means six more weeks of reality show bullshit, then Brian Heidik will look like Jesus.

That Sierra played with Tyson and JT. Ciera played with Nice Lady™ and Gervase and Tyson. </pedant>

I'd watch Jeffrey Tambor as a robot.

They make pills for that these days, you know.

To these people ankles are scandalous, so…

Thus, the only way to solve the problem is to take them off while impaired. Makes more sense now.