
Mike, Mike's idol, Mike's Texas shorts, or Jenn's laugh

Vince, Dan, Rodney, Joaquin, sometimes Carolyn. 25% of the cast.

"Come on down to Survivor 30: Animal Farm. We have sheep, pigs, goats, chickens, and whatever the hell Shirin is in animal form."

FTC: Goat Simulator

I can hear it now: "Jewelry? That's for broads to do before cooking dinner for the kids."

'Merica: Always under siege from the T Party. (That's T for testosterone.)

They'll just yell at Sierra again.

They must have called this season Worlds Apart because this is worlds apart from the top seasons. Inexplicable editing (without a dominant blindside like Jeremy in SJDS) and absolutely detestable human beings are really dampening the bright spots.

He's going to get voted out and it'll just cut to the exit confessional where he sits there, quiet, smirking.

Rodney: That's like MMA, right?

Let's not forget Sierra's comment, which I'm pretty sure was "I'm so slutty".

I'm a bit sad we were deprived of Probst dragging their whole merge camp away in a hammock for properly rationing rice this season.

If casting ever needs an idea: Red tribe, Green tribe, 16 color blind contestants.


Yeah, agreed in the upper range of that. Her finale idol play was pretty badass though.

Everything in SJDS was a tire fire except Natalie.

Survivor Stacked Watch: Rodney every week

I am Groot?

I thought Sierra, as the tallest thing in camp, would be the lightning rod.

Ugh, edited due to auto correct and the fact I renewed a lease today.