
According to an interview, he did admit it, it just didn't make the cut.

Who said anything about Midtown? This show is clearly in DeKalb south of I-20, and they reference Glenwood. Glover grew up in Stone Mountain. This isn't like The Walking Dead or other shows that pretend to be "Atlanta". It's a very specific segment of the city, but one that takes up half the city limits.

I love the sense of place this show has. From the (JR) Crickets to the cicadas, it's a good representation of the other side of the city that most of the people in ATL try to forget, while being timely and topical. Very strong start and I can't wait to see more. (I was getting a very Master of None vibe here.)

Forgot you knew Glover from his DeKalb days! Something about his character here is a welcome eye into this world for those who may not be familiar.

Suzanne killed a kid when he jumped from the railing. Or least that's how it played.

No discussion of Walder Frey's other meal: the corn flakes he pissed on and gave to this reviewer for breakfast?

All I've seen on Twitter is that the staff of Vulture has no life so I'm avoiding that site like the plague for the next two weeks.

Here's a map…to the experts thread.

This is the show that hired Ian McShane just to kill him 50 mins later, though.

But I thought I saw some ladies in this cult…

They even paid her! That doesn't even happen here.

Bojack. Bojack bojack.

Looking back, Jason had that exact quote to Tai in the shelter.

Is this the edit Ciera would have gotten if Tyson drew the rock in BvW?

So she did need to be carried.

I agree that the rest of this season is really good. I was about to call it my new China. This takes it down several pegs, but it's no Caramoan.

Get off our lawn!

Michelle's confessionals were the verbal equivalent of watching paint dry. She talked as if she read the Survivor Wikipedia rulebook off a producer's phone before filming them.

"I don't need to be carried, bro." Well, judging by the jury, you do.

I would have preferred three tribes based on philosophies, since there's also a lot of religious nuts on the cast.