
Yeah but that was Survivor: Great Recession. Losing things was the name of the game.

Survivor Tenet #24: If you're a cop at the merge, pick another line of work.

Hey Will, don;t worry, bud. You may be on the bottom and gullible, but you'll still be a YouTube star because that idiotic vote.

This is what I get for not listening to the Jenn Bandwagon early on, right?

I never got the Jekyll trip. :(

I'm actually loving all the bizarre animal cutaways this season. SJDS had nothing close except for howling Miches, er, monkeys.

I would love that, since they're both in my Pick-4, but we were all over Josh and Jeremy halfway through last season, so…

Making waves or atoning for Two and a Half Men, Two Broke Girls, and Two Nerds and a Hot Chick?

I think they chose Max because of the "cult leader" thing and to scare that pair into submission, but if that's the goal, why not get the annoying one (Shirin) out first and have Max fall in line?

Because Lady Liberty is holding a dried up torch?

Even if you didn't like SJDS, Natalie was a good winner.

[x] Get stung by stingray
[x] Reference obscure trivia
[ ] Get a date pre-merge.

I never make it past episode five without getting injured.

Kind of disappointed there were no white collards, green collards, and blue collards in that food reward.

Unless Joe JT's them all if that trio makes F3.

Yeah but Hali has been shown to be more caring/perceptive especially with the Nina episode. Jenn is the "Rob C. snarky bitchy strategy" type.

I really see Hali outpacing Jenn.


I'm pretty sure those pots held the collection of cheese puffs all the super fans didn't eat upon binge watching before going out there.