
First Real God smites Lindsey with his beard, then Survivor God used his beard to extinguish his flame.


You both look like fools! Bwahaha! Now go get some firewood.

Are we counting "having to live with Abi" a challenge?

When a guy who edits his own Wikipedia page is coming off as the smartest person on White Collar…. (Ok seriously, Carolyn, at least look for the idol. Or break a stick off Gumby the tribal immunity doll.)

I'm pretty sure there's something in the air in Nicaragua that makes people insane. Only way to explain these four seasons. Because this was some rough Real World shit. If I wanted to watch miserable people randomly cast votes, I'd watch C-SPAN.

The assholes were Tandang.

Wow Rick Grimes looks so much younger without the beard up top.

Totally agree on Hali and Joe being the more nuanced, kinder of that bunch. I want to see them go far. I kind of chalk it up to them being less laissez-faire and No Collar than "Jet Ski Jenn" despite production's sorting, which is encouraging.

*Seal shows up offshore at camp* *Mike jumps after it for protein*

Side note: why is the grade graphic above Palau? Is it still competing with Tom and Ian on the buoys?

Am I the only one that wasn't high on this episode? The last 10 minutes were enjoyably chaotic but the rest was just uncomfortable. For a second I thought that this might be Probst's favorite season because it echoed Caramoan. Thank God that was averted for now. But in terms of who did themselves no favors: Mike, Max,

They must have cut Desmond putting together the Silver Monkey statue in the finale…

To be fair, at least that episode was great enough when the show came back to make up for the majority of the wheel-spinning in the fall. If it wasn't built serially, I would have said Jack'sTats™ was aired out of order…

Prepare for a lawsuit when the gym teacher yells at the skinny kids to put meat on their bones.

Sure she wasn't watching Cook Islands reruns?

No, that's just the name of the first episode of the Purple Rock Podcast.

It's just too bad he couldn't start crying about it at reward…

Alternate episode title: So Long And Thanks For All The Beans