
So I'm going to make a controversial statement. This was a better finale than Cagayan. NOT a better season. Far from it. But in Cagayan it was basically a given that once Spencer went home it was Tony's to lose. Not a lot of drama til that last vote.

Yeah but a season jumping from 27 to 15 based on three hours (counting last week), is a huge compliment to the editors and Natalie.

This is exactly what I've been thinking it's most compared to, with shades of Vanuatu. Though we can all agree that as frustrating as this game from Ep 2 to Boobs McGee's exit was, the Caramoan pre-merge was far worse. (And this time we had the Drew ep, so.)

Brought to you by Kroger store brand food?

"Our goal is to become Netflix faster than Netflix has the chance to become us."

Drew, Keith, Alec

I feel like people are forgetting her idol. She only has two tribals to play it, so if she plays it next week regardless of being comfy (and Jon plays his, they target Jaclyn) Natalie is free at that point with the majority so she wouldn't need an idol at F5.

So much worse than last season. Can we have more immunity feet challenges?

Me too! The Ponderosa vids AND the secret confessionals (of people I like).

Drowns and surrounds?

So I'm pretty sure that San Juan Del Sur is Spanish for "You thought that would work? Tough." So many foiled plans.

He probably broke the flint on Exile, too.

As much as that would do for my pick-4, I don't see it. She and Keith have been portrayed so negatively.

So, Probst has been on record (EW, I think) as saying this season's winner is "unconventional". As much as Jon's confessional SCREAMED "winner", perhaps it's Jaclyn? Reed was invisible until two weeks ago and now he's causing bigger havoc than Josh ever did. So if Jon is ever dethroned, Jaclyn could squeeze by and

Side note: that reward definitely had the winner's real content in it…for the 5-yo with ice cream.

Lots of cross-promotion this episode. Two and a Half Men, McDonald's 20-piece chicken nugget combo (if they don't use that line in their next ad, I'll be disappointed), Twinnies, the Jon Misch Thanksgiving Eating Cont—chocolate!

Guys, I am psychic!

Isn't that already prevalent?

I saw that promo, but totally thought it was Wes going home via Keith's idol. Especially after his #comment.

Well that was fun while it lasted…If only Baylor can win the next five immunities! (One more and she'll stop being compared to Ciera…)