
You mean you don't want Wes to order Taco Bell For Life with his oversized check?

Next time on…Survivor: You have to put together a puzzle using only your mind!

Survivor editors to fans: WHO ARE YOUR GODS, NOW?

10% more confident than I was earlier? Watch it be Keith.

The AV Club: I've got nothing [but B's].

Two people who run a podcast around these parts would differ on Marquesas.

Question: What caused Jeremy and Natalie to bond more: having their loved ones voted out, or being the only two smart people left on a tribe of morons?

Actually it's unfair to the general donkey population…

This. What WERE those two doing while Captain America was at Exile anyways?

#NotTheHilton #Ain'tNoCharity #UnintelligibleKeith

Other than Jon and Jeremy, I don't see any other "winners" who haven't been a little quiet. And those two paint such big targets on their backs that surely they can't both survive. Hence, Natalie squeezing through while the couples and the morons take each other out, shielded by Jeremy as long as possible.

Glad my first live episode in weeks had some actual events transpire. But are these some of the dumbest players? Previews aside, when Keith disrespected Muffin and Laymore (I sneer with her on my Pick4), I thought for sure that would be a chance to break up a couple they hate and then go couples-in on breaking up the

I wouldn't put it past King and Queen "Thinking Too far Is Bad" to vote out Jeremy midway through when he loses immunity. Then we're all doomed.

No, you're definitely right about Natalie. I wish I picked her in retrospect. Doubt Missy makes it, since she's still portrayed in a shrewd but way-too-negative light. The others: eh. They'll go far but not the whole way.

Survivor S31: A returnee season but all the players are animals.

…is no one.

I just…don't care. Once one of Jeremy/Josh is eliminated (neither please, both are in my Pick 4!), what will we all do? Root for Baylor to emerge from Pageant Mom's shadow? This season is just a regular reality show in tone and casting—not the competition show I signed up for.

Do you think this is why Spiderman failed on Broadway? Everyone blamed Taymor, but it was really just Reed not showing up on stage for weeks at a time unless to barter costume changes.

I suppose their hands were tied with the pre-game evacs, but I'm in favor of a smaller jury and a whole episode of them just fucking around camp. (I wish!) Or they could have given such an IC penalty that Coyopffft was immune without much effort.

So far, this is like Caramoan-level of pre-merge snooze. (MINUS the stupidity/insanity. Just regular stupidity.) Excited for the real game to begin next week.