
I love me some Spencer (in game) and loved his appeal. Just saying I can see Woo's thinking.

Yeah, but I feel like we got equal vitriol from the editors, who put every "look at this idiot" quote on air.

Yeah but we got to see the editor's jury speech over 13 weeks. Just as good.

I'm not saying it was the BEST move but it wasn't the worst.

So despite that fact that it was Colby-tastic, I'm gonna be the guy who defends the Woo vote. Not just because it made for a more entertaining final day/FTC, but because it would have been the easy choice to take Kass. Based on the bitter jury and that bad performance by Tony, Woo had a bit of a shot From his

I'll gladly take squeezing into the top third as a first-time player. Bring it on in September!

I'll gladly take squeezing into the top third as a first-time player. Bring it on in September!

Pretty sure it was "fuck that", which makes it better that it slipped through.

Someone woke up on the "overly sensitive with common idiom analogies" side of the bed today…

Thus a better season IMO.

Cannot wait until Spencer comes back in a future season just to mess with you.

Woah. #25. I'll take it! C'mon Spencer…

She even called herself Malnu-Trisha, so I don't see it as bad.

A big task for someone disgusted by most women.

Hmm, maybe this one is due to monsoon season then? It's been pretty brutal and they lost a day of footage last week.

Jury management? I mean, at this point she's voting for Peanut M&M's, but in a couple days she's a guaranteed Tony vote.

Also: making friends, counting, and mud bathing.

This was the most entertaining Tribal since Hold Up Bro. But is this the first season where not a single idol has been played correctly?

I'm on Mavericks with CS6 (PS, AI, ID) and never had any issues. Didn't even know this was a trend.

Cue the Charlie Brown sad piano.