
Galavant is really the only thing that grabs me. I loved early Suburgatory, but Selfie just looks SO bad. Poor Karen Gillan. Might check in in November though.

First zombies, now the supernatural in Atlanta?

Why, Brooklyn, why?? Especially with the other supposedly promising new sitcom (though I'm less a fan of multi-cam).

I'll take "Read Out Of Context By Emmy Voters" for 200, Alex.

Hahaha. No I hate his politics. But if [pretty much all] his plans but the Jefra vote went through, it would have been a much different game. Most of the times he gets screwed, but his plans to vote for a random third leg of the alliance have been wise.

The rewards and challenges were the best part. I like scrambling, and wouldn't even mind the Tasha boot if they didn't spend SO much time on "this won't happen". If your entire tribal is "there's going to be a blindside—hey look special idols!" but it's a straight majority vote sans idols, there's a thin line between

Missed one. Tyler Perry Showcases Da Overpowered Idol For New Survivor Fans, Kills Jeff, Gets Deified. Stupid Newbs.

Speaking of the boy who cried wolf, I'm getting a little annoyed at all the "misdirection" the editing room is trying to squeeze in. I like a little suspense, but when more than half the results are chalked up to "conversations you never see", it gets hard to buy into.

In an episode where Kass is a paranoid egomaniac, I'm still tempted to give Probst the Dumbass of the Week award.

Man the Spencer hate has grown large of late.

Between him, Trish, and occasionally Kass, we have some really astute players this season.

I had a friend in college like that. Ironically, if I close my eyes, he and Spencer sound the same.

Tiny Terry loves his lifelines.

Good lord, I've created a monster with this thread.

Which I why I don't mind them being replaced. I just mind that Tony finds damn near all of them.

I'm very much into this season, and it's still too much Tony. Though I'm getting serious Lost vibes from the "bald guy vs. blond guy, black rock, white rock on an island" stuff.

If that Christmas movie trailer doesn't work out for him, some Chili's Baby Back Ribs porno might…

Tyler Perry Presents: Dolla Dolla Bills

I don't mind looking. Where I get concerned is actively helping/explaining a la Laura M last season. Which, if it wasn't for the way Redemption Island works, would be hard without a multi-way Immunity challenge.

At least he got to get his modeling plug in before the boot!