
I did not take the test, but I’m certain my patronus/daemon would be a big, goofy, mixed-breed dog.

You’ll really get to save money on sneakers when you only have to buy one.

And are your legs touching the seat of a bus or subway?!

oh my god, don’t mow in flip flops, you animal.

Yeah I get in between the toes even. You people are savages.

I am now very concerned about the mowing in flipflops bit. YOU’LL CUT YOUR TOES OFF!!!

I’ve never understood what the problem is with peeing in the shower. The drain goes to the sewer and you’re saving a flush without having pee water sit in your bathroom for ages.

What is happening? First people are saying they don’t wash their legs now I’m reading people don’t wash their feet.

That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.

Come on. No comparison. Weiner is a total creep, and now a rumored pedo. Whole other league. 

This is probably a mostly false account. The particulars likely happened (i.e., there was an argument on the plane that continued after the plane landed--he probably lost his temper, raising his voice in frustration/anger and may have even displayed physical dominance), but that it rose to the level of abuse is likely

Damn straight. She has far too much power to be behaving in this way. Unfortunately, she also has been protected for far too long. Teaching is a hard and valuable job, and I’m the last person to diminish that, or to shit-talk unions. But the Ontario teachers’ union is a powerful one. She’s making a lot of money and

I’m with you 100%. I had serious health issues when I was a high schooler, which caused me to miss a lot of school. My sophomore biology teacher apparently found this hilarious and made me an object of ridicule when I was in class and when I was absent. I found out from a dear friend that she was saying particularly

Agreed all around! Teachers are supposed to honor the asymmetrical relationship and be respectful of our students.

Sorry, this teacher isn’t cool and this topic isn’t funny. I’ve taught college for 15 years, and I wouldn’t say this to 18 year olds, much less 10th graders. You’re in an immense position of power as a teacher. It’s really important not to mock your students. I had one teacher in HS who consistently made fun of

it’s cause whomever did it to Haim on the set of Lucas is the person, and this person had his own trailer on set that he would take Haim back to (ugh all of this). Now, that doesn’t rule out some visitors but I feel it does rule out the “anyone” idea.

In both those movies he was used as what he is: a character actor. In “Wall Street”, his time on screen was shorter than the actor who played Sheen’s mentor, another character actor, Hal Holbrooke. That’s not a lead. That’s not A-list.

Martin Sheen has never been A-list. He’s a character actor with some fame. He’s never been “revered by millions worldwide” as the Radar article suggests.

Like in his cave! Mary MacNab style. That lucky bish, banging the Dunbonnet in the crawlspace.