
Oil and natural gas = a political struggle from states that have those resources to gain control in foreign affairs. It has very little to do with what Obama says or does.

Yap. My dad means "tar baby" in the most innocent sense. He grew up knowing the character. However, it's got racist connotations today, so I urged him to stop using it. He's not a racist fellow (though maybe a bit ignorant of understanding race and how it's tied into socio-economics) I just don't want him to be

My dad wonders why I made him change his password to his most important accounts from tarbaby to other things. Hm.

I am not at all sure what argument you're trying to make.

It is terrible you have to go through that. If you'd explain your situation to your neighbor, hopefully he would be willing to accommodate your needs to the best of his ability. If you let smokers know POLITELY about your problem, they're usually (hopefully?) very understanding. I know I'd try to be respectful. I

I don't get it when people freak out over nerd. They're either super offended or they respond like you. It's a funny word, nerd.

OK, I am 100% radical feminist. Radical. Radical as hell. Radical like I can't keep friends if I talk to them about feminism. But in those days, doctors ordered hysterectomies for all kinds of dumb shit. They really DID NOT understand women, because they regarded women as sub-human. It's both a pity and.. a great

I love my Catholic faith, but should I adopt or foster a kid in the future, this is the reason why I'd be shit scared of Catholic schools. At least my massive public school system gave me a decent sex ed class. Though, it was very bizarre. At my Catholic university, I kind of became jaded by my brilliant gender

What don't you understand? I love the scent and taste of tobacco? Which I have stated completely from the beginning? Where the hell did any of your awful second-year in college argument go?

Does it make sense to you that you can taste things by knowing how they smell? Does it? I mean... Does it, though? Are you suggesting you get full pleasure from a meal when you're sick and your nose is clogged? I admire those super-human, nerd powers.

Genau! It was obviously a privilege to raise Ann Romney's babes for shit pay! Can we start a campaign, "Ann Romney Stole My Work Visa 2012"?

Look, I can respect your hatred for carcinogens, but you do not get to give me a bullshit argument about why I can't love the taste and scent of tobacco. Your personal anecdata is all well and good, but guess what? I love the taste and smell of tobacco, regardless of whether or not you found it disgusting growing up.

Now playing

Some of us love the taste and scent of tobacco. People don't always smoke to look cool. Trust me, smokers get treated like shit, no matter how respectfully we try to be towards nonsmokers. Smoking isn't "cool," anymore. Oh, I'm sitting on my porch and you're walking your baby carriage down the street? I won't blow

I would stand behind Ann Romney as a stay at home mom if we didn't all know that her husband was probably paying people shit money for "women's work." The work of parenting/traditionally female work is undervalued, but let's not pretend Ann didn't have a whole lot of underpaid and undervalued help with raising the

oh my god, thumbs up jeff.

Glad I got in before that inevitable shitstorm came.

What don't countries get about doing reverse stings and prosecuting/fining these poor victims? I get so livid when I see them on Police Women of... Shows.

I only care about certain sports. I will hang around for the World Cup, especially when teams from oppressive governments are playing (I wonder if the soccer players from North Korea live after they lose, every time!). Baseball is one of those sports that my European friends can't fucking get behind. They vaguely get

Yeah, I get you. I guess I just love the acceptance of casual drinking culture in the south more in the south. Whatever, I love the hell out of the south. I love tobacco, bourbon, and plantation crops. Sorry, like I said, I'm just a Yankee that spends her PMS days in bed watching Gone With the Wind while feeling

I do, personally. But I feel like it's super demonized in the north, whereas my southern friends tend to be a-okay with it. Ha, didn't mean to make broad and sweeping generalizations that were offensive to anyone. I feel like the south would just be nicer to me than the north.