There's a chance he is older than me, then, but not by very much. Dear Lord, his genetics are near flawless.
There's a chance he is older than me, then, but not by very much. Dear Lord, his genetics are near flawless.
You know, I think the North American south is probably my favorite place in the world. I'm one of those idiots that loves Gone With the Wind more than I ought to, loves peaches more than any other food, loves the accents and the love for nostalgia that deep southerners have. Sweating like crazy and drinking lazily…
I wonder how much PR training the actors had to deal with about "dealing with racist motherfuckers." With that said and done, he and Rue were the BEST part of the book and I'm sad they didn't get too much time in the movie. The 11 year old girl I give all of my old comic books and YA fiction to adored those…
I agree. He's not trying to appease people that already get this shit, he's just trying to bring over idiots, misogynists and nonbelievers.
I'm just really baffled how you don't see all of the political consequences outside of the United States' control about what the US does and does not do? Things president Obama obviously PERSONALLY finds offensive about US foreign policy: Gitmo, the crackdown in Syria, the Kim regime in the DPRK, the war in Iraq.
Well... Yeah? I don't know what also to tell you except say that maybe you don't know a lot about international treaties, law, and the UN? In this case you're being a bit narrow minded. Obama will do what he can, but it's really not a hell of a lot.
I consider Clinton (who buckled under pressure from France and the UK to NOT help out with the Bosnian genocide because they didn't want a Muslim state in Europe) and Obama to be victims of international political "motives/apathy."
Why will I see this? Because Prince Peeta is throwing out the opening day pitch for my second favorte baseball team. Because I feel like the entirety of the trailer could easily be... so misunderstood in the good/bad department. Whatever, I think he's a decent young actor. The cast of the H.G. did the best they could…
You're so right. "We don't want women to use Facebook because we want to teach them how to not get raped." Oh, okay. Why don't you spend your time teaching men to not rape women? That kind of thinking is so backwards. Like, foresight victim blaming?
The best part of journalism is when they quote the motherfucker, and either change the suff[ixes] or add the [sic]. It's so snobby but filled with integrity at the same time. It is the ultimate insult.
I'm sure our president believes that it's beyond saying, but you're right in the sense that yeah, the idea that women are human beings has to be reaffirmed sometimes.
Haha, I love that Obama dropped his faux-Southern politician accent for this. Video is mostly good, though not necessarily as progressive as I'd like it to be, but I can't just shit on the only pro-woman presidential candidate, either.
I'm glad that she knows about it and has dealt with it so maturely in public. She's young, and it's a shame that this kind of discrimination (so backwards, Rue was black!) reaches her mind in this century, but I'm glad that she's so young, so aware, and so intelligent about speaking about it. Sends a great message to…
Totally see the Hepburn. The actress is gonna be a classic beauty.
A. How was it not obvious that Rue was a child of color? It was so fucking obvious in the books! Katniss was the ambiguous one. Though I honestly saw Rue as darker, and Katniss at Amandla's skin color in the books. That was my own interpretive reading, though. I'm glad Collins has been completely rigid in supporting…
Ain't nothin' wrong with crying at Billie. Though doing it in front of a webcam, posting it on YouTube, and then leaving it up? Well that shit is kind of weird, but ain't nothing wrong with it. I'd rather THIS than 99% of the other things teens do.
Well the way it is for Marianists, we regretfully believe in religious freedom. We value all rights, even though religious always conflict with gender. So, we like to prod other sects into understanding the birth control is a good thing. The Marianists marry homosexuals and we're super cool with birth control. My…
Hahahaha, I'm glad you shared. Not all symptoms are the same during this kind of stuff. I mean, you were 7! You don't get to have a lot of basic civilian rights at that age, but at least you are protected by irrationality from being a kid.
I get what you mean! No matter how much you walk with your foot in a solitary shape, it gets uncomfortable. Switching from flats to heels makes your feet point, and it makes your muscles feel sooooo goooood. And vice versa! I love the feeling of taking off heels after a long day.