Black as midnight on a moonless night, no doubt.
Black as midnight on a moonless night, no doubt.
You've got a point. All of my hipster vegan friends (no, I'm not taking a dig. I like hipsters and I like vegans) LOVE going to sports bars because we love sports, but they are only able to get beers and fries. I'm lucky I'm only vegetarian, so they usually have a salad or pizza I can eat.
I went to Hooters for the first and only time ever when I was 22. I was with a 41 year old doctor and a 34 year old photographer (both dudes). We had coffee and key lime pie and watched the Reds game.
My mom got skin cancer on her face and had to use a cream that made her skin peel off. She was in SO much pain and so blotchy and embarrassed, but she went to work every day anyway. After the treatment, one of the effects was that her skin looked SO soft and smooth and wrinkle free (besides the whole entire "no…
Robert Cormier- Oh God, memories.
I couldn't FATHOM making fun of someone for something so trivial. I hope these kids learn a lesson. I was raised to be ignorant about social justice, but I was fortunate enough to get out of it. Stewart, you are a gem.
I'm okay with this, but I can't attribute any of it to that little weasel thing. Didn't women shave their foreheads for a higher hairline centuries ago? I can't remember if it was regarded as a more feminine shape, or if it made them seem wealthier/ more well-breed/ educated. I just remember looking at paintings of…
This disembodied voice must agree with you. He's the only dudebro I'm kind of fond of.
Hahaha, the piggy just jumped into his food. My doggy has the same body type as a Hamlet, so of course his name is Piggy : ( Such cute little things.
I mean, besides financial reasons, what is your ethical problem with SSRIs?
Heeeeeyyyy~ Another Zoloft person here. Easily the best drug ever invented. Before, I'd have horrible mental breakdowns that would make me quit jobs or withdraw from school. When I finally got help for it, my family physician who has always been a great diagnostician, was like, "Hey, I'm glad you finally said. Here's…
I go into stores like TJ Maxx or Gabriel Brothers- the ones that take expensive (and sometimes!) ethically made clothing. I have a list of brands I take with me. The shit I buy is usually a tiny bit fucked up, but lasts me FOREVER and is really affordable. You are right though, it is hard to find cheap, durable, and…
If I was Isabella, I'd be wary of my parents, too.
If marriage is about religion, then a secular state should ONLY acknowledge civil unions, no? And those should not be denied to partners on sexist grounds, right? There are quite a few sects of Catholicism that I know of (and one I belong to) that are willing to "marry" homosexual couples. I feel kinda gross taking a…
I come from a family of fat people. I'd BE a fat person if I didn't have an eating disorder. I was so envious during the worst of my anorexia, I was so mean to anyone that didn't have a BMI under 18. Now that I'm closer to average and educated? I'm ashamed of who I was. I just want to apologize to any woman that has…
I hate how these events always have more children than adults at them.
Truth. Oh, the harsh winter winds. Just to look "normal" and healthy" —- the lotions! the foundation! buying self-tanner to apply once a week to raise your shade of skin to some level of neutrality! Avoiding showers that are comfortably warm! I know, #westernwhitegirl problems, but it's an unnecessary (but kind of…
God I love her but at the same time I have to side-eye her. It must be strange trying to keep up personal relationships to crappy people when you're a diplomat. I adore you Clinton. I'm truly sorry I can't keep myself from holding you to impossibly high standards.
Because I can't force myself to talk about a Kardashian, no matter how great this piece was, can we talk about me? I'm a Sagittarius So, my sign is supposed to be jovial, belligerent, optimistic, rude, and we fancy ourselves to be philosopher kings. I never, EVER thought I suited Sagittarius when I was under 20, and…
She makes me feel so upset. I look at her like I view my dad: Intelligent and cool, but socially unaware and terrible. Who are other people like this? Decent minds that perpetuate discrimination? I'd call her an idiot savant but I'm not sure if I really think she's great at writing.