
Putting the recordings your friend gives you off the mixer board aside, I find it interesting that "tapers" are obsessed with quality when what they start out, to begin with, is a microphone recording of a live show. It's the equivalent of taking a photograph of a painting in a museum or filming a TV show off the

This is, by far, the best write-up on the subject I've ever read. What's great is it's written in an easy-to-understand way so I can forward it on to my less-tech savvy friends without modification.

Give the author a break. You guys do realize it's Jesus Diaz, right? He's (relatively, 2 years?) new and a Spaniard.

Is that Zoe Saldana as the officer?

I was at a convention in Adelaide and saw a great presentation about an orphanage in Cambodia. The founder of the organization was controlling the presentation with her iPhone. Rather than a series of slides with images, it was one slide at a time that was essentially a picture slideshow (with different transitions).

Just curious, when I buy the comic anthologies on DVD, how do I get them into the program? I assume most of them are in PDF format? That seems like it's not the optimal format considering my comic programs/fans prefer the CBR/CBZ formats. So how are you reading them Whitson? Are you just opening them up in Adobe

I've used them all but for the Android, I prefer Seesmic on my Android phone. It just has the right combination of features plus the least amount of annoyances for me. For desktop, I am a Tweetdeck fan.

I know this is mean but the lady in the video looks really weird to me. Like something is off about her. She looks like a robot.

I can't believe what I am reading here. The president of Nintendo America, during a keynote speech about their new video game console, shows various clips of video games, passing it off (implying) they were from said console and when it's revealed that not only is it not from the Wii U but instead from consoles of

I am confused by this as well. I have a Nexus one and it would take a removal of the battery cover, the cover, then some long fingernails to pull the memory card out. I am not saying this is difficult but if he was thrown down on the ground and had cops, presumably, standing around him, how did they not notice him

The "con" does not seem that unreasonable to me. How long would it really take the facilities guy to do it? One day? Big deal.

How did this little kid figure all these intricate steps out and the sn0wplow or whatever (sorry I forgot their names), guys didn't?

Great advice guys. I will give it another shot, this time with more "helpers." I really do want to enjoy these games, but it's just really frustrating to get the hang of it.

Executive Vice President. Cmon joetato, you have a star.

Every time I read about a new Forza, I get really excited and run to place a pre-order at Amazon. I love how things get more realistic each time and the graphics keep improving. Then I think back at the previous Forzas and Gran Turismo's and I remember that after 2-3 races, I put it away, never to play again. Why?

I could not have said it better myself.

I was wondering this as well so I wrote to Steve Jobs himself and he sent a reply - just one scan. Yup, you better get all your music lined up because once you hit that scan button, that's it. You can't add any more music to the cloud after that. I know, crazy huh?

This has been around for a while but became more affordable and safer in recent years. Remember, this is an exothermic reaction so it actually gives you major burns. Also, if you get the kind that is a fine sand/powder, rather than the type embedded in gauze, it can be a pain in the ass to clean up. You are only

She wrote the message on her phone and then what? Did she just hand the phone to a flight attendant discreetly to read?

I didn't know that planes "pivot" to turn. Is that really the case or just an illusion?