
Cmon, Urp! This ain't our first rodeo ... that was in Iran 21 years ago and quite a muck up.

I am pretty sure the silent technology is amazing but I don't they really a helicopter the size of a school bus makes absolutely no noise. I think they mean less-noisy. It's not like the movie Conspiracy Theory.

Depends, do you want a SLR or a MFT?

What a cool tip. It takes a few tries to get it right though (for my Nexus One) and when you're doing it, it looks like you are trying to press a bunch of keys on the keyboard. This is great for times when the darned keyboard pops up and for some reason, the long press on the "menu" soft button doesn't seem to get rid

If you ever decide to give over-the-ears another shot, it seems like you and your family just might be the perfect Beats by Dr. Dre customers. LMAO.

What's wrong with the white earbuds that come with iPods? HAHAHAHAH I'm just kidding guys, sorry I had to! HAHAHAHAH

In what situation would a person need to create a PDF on an mobile device? Data entry on a smartphone is arduous and never as efficent or "pretty" as a desktop. On my PC, I can see many uses for print-to-PDF such as saving a website or prosterity or making a PDF version of my resume to submit. But on my Android, I

I agree that my library could use some cleaning out. Since I started using Spotify, I have to admit that I don't think the future is about owning music (physical or digital files) anymore. Do you really care if you have the Beatles Anthology? No. What you care about is you can play Yellow Submarine when you want it,

The biggest problem, for many Americans, with all these cloud services is the seeding. I would love to use Amazon S3 for backups or Google Music but with a 768K DSL upload, I don't even want to bother. I realize some people have really nice broadband speeds but the fact remains, most of the US does not enjoy fast

Does that even qualify as an adult argument? Obviously he could say or do anything he wants. If you are going to play the "It's my party and I can cry if I want to" card, then there's really no point in anyone having any sort of discussion, right?

You bought a Prius so, at least at one time, you felt it was worth it for either economical (gas savings) or environmental reasons. Then you sold it and bought a Jetta and suddenly you are too cool for it and make a South Park "smug" reference. I just don't get it.

The equipment is not the problem; I have all that stuff. It's the time.

I know everyone is bummed about LastPass but I don't think there will be any major fallout. I still love it and it's the first security app I was able to use because of it's simplicity. This whole idea of Keypass linked to Dropbox linked to an enrypted volume linked to SecretSync linked to a fingerprint scanner etc.

You would.

Mind blown.

Thanks Whitson!

With what looks like two dozen lists, how do you know which is best to use? I wish it was more like Adblock which subscribes to just one list that (most) everyone agrees on. Choice is good but not when it paralyzes you from making a decision.

Yes that is exactly correct.

Nobody in the market for a flip would buy this. The Olympus and Zoom products are made for high-end video with bi-directional mics. Think interviews, not filming your dog in the park.

You remind me of Chris Rock when he talks about people who "keep it real"