
Sorry, how can you feel bad about the Avenger Controller or N-Control at all? Is it any surprise that a ghetto company like theirs hired a one man PR company helmed by a thug. Have you seen any of their advertisements, websites, or commercials? N-Control is run by idiots, not professionals. Seriously, please go look

Yes with new games. It's common practice. I think Game Stop does this.

Wow, look at all the comments. So many people knew what it was ... but not me. Thanks for teaching me something new guys!

Your dilemma is whether you pay $250 to upgrade early (October 16th) or you wait roughly 6 weeks from now and get it on a normal upgrade schedule? Wow.

Forget the rant, this is what caught my eye in this piece: "And so I waited for the iPhone 5. And waited. And waited. And instead I got the iPhone 4S. Wait, what‽" Whoa, do you see that? At the end? It's an exclamation mark combined with a question mark. I have never seen that before. Have you‽

1 year between 3G and 3GS. 1 year between 3GS and 4. 15 months between 4 and 4S. I doubt 5 will come out in 8 months.

What is a struggling family of four doing with a smartphone? Seriously. They should be on Motorola RAZRs on the cheapest plan they can find. I am not joking.

In that case I would recommend you don't get the Kindle. Get an iPad and you will never have to leave the Apple happy land.

"The somewhat-ominously referred to "girls" Jerry kept promising us materialized, and we basically immediately scared them off." - I don't understand what you are saying here. You (and the other) guys scared off the girls because you are creepy? Or were they somehow scared off and it's the fault of Jerry?

How did they know that particular pumpkin, in the whole patch, would be the giant one? They obviously predicted it because the camera is focused on it. Sorry if this is a silly question. I am not a farmer.

You already own an iPad or iPhone that you do your reading on? Then don't switch. I don't understand the complaint here.

Bluetooth for what purpose?

Have you read the news?

LOL look at all those people running! They thought it was an attack. Silly people who've never felt an earthquake.

You think?!

Do you think the iPad 2 is faster than the iPad 1? Or the iPhone 4 is faster than the 3G?

I know it's hard for you to understand on paper but ask a friend with an old Android phone, like my Nexus One (1 Ghz Snapdragon, I think) and then someone with a new phone like the Nexus Prime and just play around with both of them. Launch the browser, swap screens, scroll, play a game. It's a noticeable difference.

What a great tutorial. I never understood why custom framing options cost so much. I used to buy a lot of comic art prints and even autographed limited edition ones might cost $80 then it would cost me 2-3 times that to frame it. I have a handful of things still not in frames because I don't want to pay that much

You can just throw out cliches like "bottom line" and represent it as fact. What part of the article was not clear? They were gambling with money and refused to refund their customers' money.

I've dabbled with online gambling (poker) before but only playing with fake money or free money (during a promo). I am so glad I am not addicted to gambling. Most poker players I know are highly intelligent yet they continue to participate in sites that are of questionable legality and ethics. Is anyone at all