
@Scott Jackson: The shirt removal happened voluntarily by the father and took about 3 seconds. How would the TSA agent have stopped the father. Any action to do so would look like an act of aggression or assault. The father was fine having his son in a "state of undress."

I think this topic is really interesting but what really impressed me was the quality of the NPR video. The animations and voice over are amazing!

Knowing nothing about this kind of stuff, is it hard to come by? I mean how did this guy get his hands on all these chemicals/ordinance?

Those who are saying they simply don't have access to their work emails from their phone are right. However, as much as I hate having to enter a mandatory long pin to unlock my phone, plus issues with possible remote wipes or snafus, I am thankful for the few times a month where I really do need to access Exchange

@bizzo98: No, if someone predicted there would be two tablets for this year's Black Friday, you'd say they were right. Tablets are just starting to come out and hit their stride. 2011 is the year of the tablet. Did you also think it was the year of the Android phone when the G1 came out?

@LeonJoe: When were you born? There are never good BF deals from Apple. Even when Apple themselves post their Black Friday deals, it's like $5 iTunes card with Macbook Air purchase.

Another example of a misbehaving kid and parent who can't take care of business. What's the problem here? Trust me, I am no fan of TSA or the post-911 hell that we have to endure in the name of "freedom" but some of these cases are really ridiculous. The father removed the shirt and the TSA is the bad guy?

@NixonsGhost: All the computers in your WORKPLACE and SCHOOL have viruses? I find that highly unlikely.

@Debonair: Way better looking in what sense? The Domke bags don't look out of place in a restaurant or at a nice event. They are an alternative to the bulky nylon/canvas photog bags. Your suggestion for Naneu bags look exactly like what some of us are trying to avoid. I want to carry my camera, not my SEALs gear. Why

@Tank: Or you could have bought any number of generic ones from Asia for about $5-10. It's just a piece of clear plastic. You can even use a milk carton.

@Curves: How is this a legitimate issue for anyone but yourself? That's like saying "Sorry, I'll pass on this lock because I don't like to use locks."

@beansbaxter: Mac OS X is not privy to viruses, malware, or hacks.

@pdubs1087: I am extremely impressed by this response and I agree with most, if not all, of it.

@pdubs1087: I am extremely impressed by this response and I agree with most, if not all, of it.

@snoop_dizzle: If you think the 15" MBP is a perfect size, you must be one of the many unfortuante people who use a laptop as a desktop replacement. If you actually need to travel with one (the reason they were invented for in the first place), you would quickly find that 5.6 lbs is a beast.

The problem with S3 is it's not as useful as people think for the way most people think about using it. There are plugins for various backup programs that will store an extra copy on S3. Unless you have some blazing fast connection, forget about it. Just think about how long it took you to download a Linux distro last

@Alexander Ward: You need two checkins before you become mayor.

I wonder if Foursquare programmed this from the beginning, thinking it'd be funny if anyone actually went. OR, if Wheelock/NASA planned this with them in anticipation for this mission?

The Chemex, specifically the filters, also make a great filter to clarify all the duck fat you've rendered.