
The obvious problem, to me at least, is when I make a grocery list, it's usually of stuff I am out of, not stuff I am necessarily low on. So say I want to pick up ice cream. With a pen and paper (gasp!), I just write it down. With this tool, I have nothing to scan. I also doubt I will be up for keeping two lists

@I see the light. It burns!: They wouldn't do that because the price premium for this feature would be too high. Say a 1TB drive costs $90, this might be $150. Nobody would buy that on CL.

Went to the Trailblazers site and still could not find the "trail" he used.

I have all three major systems but only turn on the PS3 every three months and the Wii twice a year. I cringe each time I hear of a PS3 update breaking something. Then I think about how far behind in updates I must be.

Sharpie better slow down. In 2010 they've already come out with the steel marker, pens, and now this? They won't have anything left for Q4.

@dethklokso: What does this have to do with the new Facebook app? I know you're looking to vent, but start a blog or find a more relevant post to comment on.

FYI - Freeware version only allows you to hide one folder at a time.

@Paradise: If he was, he'd say "I have wood for young boys"

There's a cool time elapsed video of a practice they did showing the setup of the tractor trailer "city". Amazing stuff.

This is the exact same recipe to make cold brew Vietnamese styled ice coffee. Replace simple syrup with condensed milk.

Using Spotify in the US is like holding on to this huge "secret" that you wish everyone could have so they could see how awesome it is. It no doubt will be a ubiquitous music tool once it debuts here.

I am surprised.I was expecting something way cooler but instead this is sort of lame.

Very well done!

What is an acceptable (smooth) FPS for a game? Is it 30? 60? I am asking because I don't know how to interpret the stats. I have a 5770 and run 1680x1050 but I can't tell what detail level to use. (I have not installed the game yet)

@sethcollie: #1 Just because a company or person has the know-how, doesn't mean they will, especially something like this which ethically questionable, for a big company. It's like saying "Yeah, I could gone to the library to borrow that physics textbook, then scanned all 500 pages and put it into PDF format online."

Thanks for the Quick Desk recommendation guys :)

I bet Clint wouldn't have been able to stop this clear and present danger.

Why would they give cards to people in silly countries like Burkina Faso and Trinadad? I am kidding of course about them being silly countries but why not Japan, Switzerland, etc? I don't get their logic.

This is a really cool video. We knew each generation was faster but it is cool to see by how much. For example. not much difference between 2G and 3G.

Wow incredible story!