
If I install this, what will the power company tech (Southern California Edison) think when they see it? I bet they won't know what it is. What keeps someone from stealing this device? I live in a rental unit and I cannot monitor my power meter. I mean literally, watch my meter, for theft.

@sygyzy: I see now that Jan made the video. The article makes it sound like he saw the (embedded) video and it inspired one to make one himself but he had difficulties.

Why didn't he just ask the guy who made the video/engine how it was done?

Wow this is incredible.

Is this a true SMS replacement? As in it completely takes over the default Android SMS app, just like a replacement keyboard (ie Swype) takes over the default keyboard?

VOTE: Amazon top sellers list

Love it!

@RutgerHauer: You know a lot about FG/SS for someone who hates the picture/culture

@manuelrincon: The best part of your story is how you can "EASILY" bribe the phone company to give up private information (albeit belonging to a thief). While fascinating, this really doesn't help anyone else in the world, except those who have an in at the phone company or live in a corrupt country where laws are

Has anyone figured out an easy way to navigate the Android File system? Even when using a file manager I have no idea if I am in the SD card, the system, the root, whatever!

@ri59: Is that really your comeback? Stickin' to it?

How do apps like this work? I mean I know how they work but obviously they are useless until someone leaks the true intention. Does the author leak the secret feature out? It's a Catch 22 beause the moment he does, the app gets banned. Assuming the tethering part isn't hard to do, he should share the code with

@mtfmuffins: Giz and other tech sites profile smart women all the time. Case in point Marissa Mayer. Or how about that tattooed and pierced tnkgrl (or however she spells her name)?

Fring surprises me because it's a terrible product but obviously has some financial and mental backing. You expect this level of shittiness out of small fly-by-night companies, not Fring.

I'd do this if I wasn't employed.

Having a helluva time getting this even downloaded in Firefox. What is a download.dlm file?

I don't understand this product. It's an external HD with networking capabilities? Aren't there a million iterations of this idea, including some really cheap adapters on Newegg?

@Andy Pham: I agree. The ScanSnap is probably the best piece of office equipment I've ever bought. It's simply amazing. I am running nearly paperless now. This is coming from someone who keeps a copy of all receipts/invoices.

@Ridley: You are confusing the issues.

I have this in my Picasa web. Pretty cool. They do have a size (I think it's dimensions not filesize) limit so they offer to resize before editing. I don't think I'll use it much but having on the fly capabilities to quickly edit something is a plus.