
What is the name is this magical service tasselhoff76?

I don't believe this for a second. Have you guy shipped anything lately? This article is suggesting you ship your luggage, that is, what you would have brought on the plane or had checked-in. I recently shipped a 3lb box in from one coast to the other, with insurance. It was $26. Do you know how much a carry on bag

ahawks - Have you read the post or clicked the link?

Flickr without question.

I love Windows Live Writer. I stopped using it when I upgraded to Word Press 2.5 but now that it's supported, I just upgraded Writer as well. I hope development continues on it.

This is great. The only thing I am uncertain about is this "download of the day" thing came aroudn a few months ago and I can't tell if this is an updated version. I have and this post just says 2.2. I've been using EverNote for about 18 months now and it's really great. The only downside is once in a while

I don't see it. Just like when LH broke the Analytics interface refresh. Disappointing.

Awesome tips!

I cannot believe LH posted this. It must be a slow day.

Does anyone have a suggestion of a PC that would run well with WHS? Obviously something small and compact that can hold multiple (probably SATA) HD's. I am thinking some sort of SFF but they only hold (at best) two HD's AFAIK. Anyone have any 'draft' builds they want to share?

Did anyone actually take a look at this? I made the mistake of confusing nice formatting to mean the document actually made sense. I printed it out before reading and now I see a suggested cooking time of 45 mins for a chicken breast (indirect heat). Who has time to run their grill on low and wait 45 mins for a

I had my previous and current employers pay for licenses. Ultramon is the best. It's worth the money and yes, I've tried the free ones.

Enough with this Forever Stamp investment talk. Yet another wannabe financial writer trying to sound smart.

Great article but a little incomplete because he doesn't talk about runtimes, battery life, drop off, etc.

I've been tearing my hair out trying to find the "new" version only to realize that it's not completely rolled out yet.

I've never set it off accidentally in my life, on any of my cars. I don't know anyone that has either. This tip really makes me question the author.

I've been using the free version of Evernote and it's pretty convenient but it has it's share of problems. I've lost my entire note database twice. Just poof, gone. I've also had it randomly crash on me. It'd also be nice for them to implement more hotkeys like one to launch it from the systray and another for

What happens when the service goes away?

I've found that the older I get, the faster I read, and the way I do it is by reading "random" words around the article. I don't really read in the correct order. This worries me though because it makes me wonder if I am becoming dyslexic.

Schmap is awesome. Check out my photos in the Naples guide :)