Syed-Ali Jafri

Ooh, can we pick our animals though?

So Mr Ford. There are some who say you brought a sense of continuity gravitas and depth to what could have been a troubled rehash and helped make it into a heartfelt and sincere movie. What do you have to say for yourself?

“It will behove me to be rid of another incapable of thought, liberal.”

Great, I am always happy to separate a fool and his/her money - I expect a sizable Venmo deposit in November (god willing)

Wonder if there’ll be a spike on Canadian dating sites (from U.S. citizens)?


I’ve joked with my Canadian citizen GF that if Trump wins, we’re getting married immediately and she’s helping me immigrate.

Yeah, my passport is ready to go and so am I.

Yeah I think it was a waste doing them radially. They should have packed them into a 55 gallon drum or something. the 10,000 video was more impressive.

Dou you bleed?

My problem was always that I would go blind as my eyes would start watering from the ice-wind hitting my face. I found that keeping some ski goggles in the car came in handy.

No the snow on the car acts as extra weight to be able to have more traction.

Your response is scratching my "hillbilly blwoing things up" itch.

Sparklers are weird to me. I mean, I wouldn’t let my three year old play with a lighter, yet I’m perfectly fine letting her wave around a sparkler that is hotter than the surface of the sun. Weird.

Techno libertarians are so cute. Of course, the solution is for people to just not take these terrible “jobs.” Get a real “main job” which provides awesome benefits and pays a decent wage. Amazing and sage advice.

The solution is painfully simple - don’t apply.

Even if the population of intelligent people was greater it wouldn't mean that the world would be a better place. An intelligent person isn't more inclined to be altruistic. There are plenty of intelligent people who are petty and biased little turds out to get what they want at the expense of others.

You(and the movie) are making the assumption that smart people have smart children and dumb people have dumb children. While I'm sure the intelligence of the parents does have an effect on a child's overall development it still is entirely possible for two idiots to produce a genus and vice versa, eugenics would not

@joneez: What the hell kinda tree is it?! That skinny fucker stopped 4500 pounds of Vic? I'm building a Go-kart out of that tree.

@Fodder650: However the Taurus most likely would have avoided the accident, since it is not based on an antiquated 1983 platform.