I wonder, with all due respect to the deceased, if his death may have been the delayed effects of whatever massive drug overdose prompted him to eat dozens of live roaches without hesitation.
I wonder, with all due respect to the deceased, if his death may have been the delayed effects of whatever massive drug overdose prompted him to eat dozens of live roaches without hesitation.
Stormtroopers are supposed to be the "best" marksmen in the Star Wars universe.
I'm pretty sure it's accepted as English, albeit as a French loanword. It's used in historical documents and legal literature.
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but the term you're looking for is espionage.
I agree; if we're talking about overall performance, Apple is a strong contender. I, personally, dislike Apple for a couple of reasons:
The evolution of Mercedes-Benz from the company it was in the 60s to the company it has become is actually a great analogy for Apple; remember the original Apple computers? They have virtually nothing in common, either technically or in spirit, with today's Apple products. They've evolved from a functional machine…
Many older Mercedes-Benz models last a long time because they are primarily mechanical with very few electronics (if I recall, that taxi's generation had an analog clock in place of the tachometer) and employ diesel engines. Modern Mercedes-Benz products are loaded to the brim with electronics, and thus tend to…
Compare the manufacturing methods of marques such as Mercedes-Benz to marques such as Honda. Both create quality products using precise, high-tech engineering and manufacturing techniques. A Benz will outperform almost any comparable Honda product, but the Honda performs better over time, especially past the…
Pardon my ignorance, but what IS the point of Wonder Woman's costume?
I'd like to see how this plays out in Team Fortress 2, Monday Night Combat, or a similar objective-based team FPS. 2k4 is fun, but the genre has evolved dramatically since then, and I think a newer breed of games could test for levels of complexity that simply don't exist in a corridor-heavy deathmatch FPS with no…
Isn't Ron Paul utterly against this sort of thing?
That was truly awful. Thank you.
I've always pictured Homer's facial hair as stubble moreso than a proper beard.
I remember that little Leoben plot, that's why I said 'more of' the motherly side. I thought it was an interesting departure from the tpyical Starbuck, and I'd love to see more.
After seeing Sackhoff as a badass fighter pilot for most of BSG, it's going to be interesting to see more of the motherly side.
The magnets are not strong enough to affect credit cards, so it's unlikely they would cause any significant electronic interference. You may have problems working on ungrounded electronics, though, as they are very sensitive.
There are actually international regulations regarding when planting a flag on foreign territory is permissible (normally, it would be an act of war). With a country's consent, foreign flags can be planted at specific events or locations (such as during international sporting events or on mountain summits).
It's one thing to intuitively understand something and another thing to prove it. Newton's laws didn't prove anything people hadn't know for thousands of years; it doesn't take a physics degree to throw a javelin. However, he turned that intuition into empirical data, where it could be used to draw many non-intuitive…
While it's far from agile or stealthy, imagine how invaluable this thing could be for laying down suppressive fire, or even acting as a point man to identify hostile positions.
I think those are called 'fantasy elements'.