Sydney Ellen Wade

You're a real credit to r/TheRedPill.

ESPN would be at full mast

I was excited that there would be a shout out for Begin Again, but I guess that's not Keira Knightley in the bottom left thumbnail. In any event, I'd pick that film as the Best Small Movie. A film that comes out of Sundance with the type of buzz that lends itself to reviewers feeling compelled to alert their readers

Is this some sort of long-game to change the name of the team in exchange for a lucrative stadium deal from the highest bidder? Snyder would, of course, play it like it's what he "had" to do in order to finalize a deal and act as if he didn't cave to the direct pressure on the topic.

They cross-post items all the time. Jesus tittyfucking Christ, look at the URL:

At least we know of one option Tiger has once his golf career is over.

Actually, Elin has handled herself with a great deal of class.* I was thinking more along the lines of Stevie Williams.

How would you figuratively watch it?

Fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine know how hilarious Crews is—in a cast full of very funny people, he's the show's most consistent source of laughs

As I suspect you are not a master of nuance, I do need to point out that you are commenting on an article that was not published on Deadspin.

Co-sign. Larry Luccino may be a lot of things - and calling him a supreme dickbag never gets tired - but the current owners are nowhere near the shitbags of the past - morally or otherwise. It's one thing to reasonably bitch and moan about the current management; however, when you (the royal you, not you!) start

He was curious to know what sports she may excel in after little league, but had a terrible way of asking and/or getting that point across.

Oh, okay. And the other two?

I don't know what you consider a "real oldster"; I was born in '74 and my father held season tickets for over forty years, twenty of which overlapped in my life. I remember the bad old days intimately and first-hand at Fenway.

Also under this ownership are three World Series titles. Do you really want to lay stake to the claim that this is the worst time ever for the team? That these owners, while assholes, are the worst owners we've ever had?

who started following the team when we won in '04,

If a woman hires someone to "rape" her, but with a safe word, that is NOT sexual expression. That's just fucked up mental illness.

The Gawker post tonight refers to her only as a "porn star" in the headline (no name). I appreciate that Samer didn't do that over here, for precisely the point you made.