Sydney Ellen Wade

Like Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Williams had recently relapsed after two decades sober :(

I almost feel bad starring this comment.

The burner doesn't protect you from an IP hit when you navigate to the comment on the browser. Just FYI, girlie.

Sweetheart, where did I say my feelings were hurt? As I said many a comment ago, you have projected a hell of a lot of narrative on my motives than anything I suggested implied. Never mind that I'm an evangelist for vigilant online privacy - you have one explanation and one only, and once your sad, monomaniacal little

Girlfriend, you are positively delusional. It's sad, you get all of your self-affirmation from acting like a hotshot on Jezebel. Maybe you should work on your offline failings. There are clearly many.

Strong take.

Excellent approach to confirming the crazy.

Please, by all means, keep it up. The number of paragraphs you've dedicated to whining about what is, one more time darling, a common sense piece of advice, in contrast with the actual advice itself, is comical. Really, you're like one of those toys where you pull the top off and snakes fly out. You're bananas.

You're not calling me on anything, girlfriend. I'm mostly entertained that someone raged into Defcon-1 caliber overreaction over what is a very basic piece of common sense advice and thinks they're "bothering" me.

You have serious anger issues, kiddo. Might want to get some help for that.

You don't seem to know much about when the Baby Boom is measured. The oldest Baby Boomers (1946-1964) are sixty-eight years old, and one can file for Social Security benefits at age 62.

Wow. A lot of angry projection going on in response to a simple piece of common sense advice. Lighten up, Sandy.

Even at lunch, on your own time, that computer is still a company asset and really, you should not do anything personal on a work computer. You may own your break time, but you don't own that computer and your personal browsing habits are subject to scrutiny.

Deadspin has just hemorrhaged its best commenters over the years. The few who stuck it out seem to have mostly fled since this incarnation of Kinja (and the loss of the grey barrier between good/funny comments and chaff). There are still a handful I recognize over there but more often than not, Deadspin has become

I understand and I don't disagree in general. Nothing will prevent this person from creating 'real' accounts, though, with traceable IPs (legit or proxy) if he's that determined and/or insane, as so far he seems to be.

Anyone familiar with proxies will just change their IP. I do this everyday because I have an overall concern with online privacy.

Not all burners are bad burners, though. My account is technically one because, IIRC, otherwise I had to provide a Facebook or Twitter or third social media option to sign up. I'm not interested in various social media platforms as it is, and creating an account with one just to sign up here was far more cumbersome a

I'm totally addicted to reading /r/legaladvice - not really for the crazy stuff, though. It's just fascinating how many people don't understand basic concepts, like how an executed lease works, wage & hour law, DUI application, etc.

I appreciate you sharing your personal experience. I consider myself well-versed on most topics but truthfully, when I read "radfem," my immediate interpretation of the term was as it being a slam against any woman who identifies as a feminist, supports women's causes, or in these parts, merely reads Jezebel - that's

It could be worse - you could have to worry about the skirt length, and the color, and the neckline, not to mention the heels, the lipstick and the earrings, all with the possibility of rubbing a jury the wrong way.