
i never understood the hate around Tidus. Really really don’t.

It doesn’t seem busted to me, if a player dominated the game like it shows on your pictures, then he should get all the recognition.
He was the best in every single aspect, so, why busted?

red mercy already proved that Galio is completely broken and Faker obviously already noticed it too.
AP Galio can 1 shot every champ in the game, every single one with only his Q. Riot must be sleeping, as always. Q has % of maximum health, on top of base damage just for being hit.
Testing that, full AP Galio can go up

This is what happens when Blizzard does what the lower and less skillfull players of the community ask. Roadhog was fine, the Hook 2.0v was enough. But buthurt players still asked for more, and there you go, Roadhog was killed.

I’m a HS player since beta, better saying, i was, i gave up HS after all these years, being a Free To Play player and a Legend one, because of Ungoro expansion. It was not only Ungoro, it was all over the years, terrible card design, lazy card design.
HS is a very fun game, but with each year, it turns into a clown

Dragon Ball isn’t the Simpsons.
Super is turning out to be on the same lvl of GT in terms of being a joke.

So, uh, one of the big reasons gaming had so much flavor in the past, is because we players had to die, lose, repeat a lot to became good at it, or even just to understand it. You know, use our minds to understand the game and discover new tricks on our own?
We complain that games are too easy, i’ve seen Kotaku talk

You completed the quest in turn 3. It was OP and everyone in the Pro scene said the same.
But you think it wasn’t? I have bad news for you. 

I don’t know about the other ranks, but Plat tier is horrible. Players have no idea that they are playing overwatch and act like they are playing a TDM all the time.
So, if you manage to leave Gold and go to Plat, i’m pretty sure it will be the same.

Capcom is a company that stopped in time, didn’t evolve at all.
Just take a look at the new Dragon Ball game they are making, Budokai for ps2 has 300% better gameplay than that.

Sony has done a great job. You all know that, and when i say great, is fantastic job.
But still, you have something to complain. Or maybe now you are going to say that Sony is now a greedy company that doesn’t care at all for their costumers?
If you balance pros\cons, Sony wins by far with pros. So this comments here

Its a shame it has capcom looks. Budokai versions are a lot better.
Game like this could be released years ago

Dragon Ball is turning into one big joke.
True Dragon Ball ended with Z. Thats final and the truth. Super belongs in with GT.

Kotaku, i have Overwatch, PC Overwatch. You can’t put Overwatch in this list for a console, no way. The game doesn’t reach its full potential in the consoles, doesn’t reach by a really really long shot.
FPS can never go to a top 10 best games in a console, only when they are exclusive to it, and even being exclusive

uh... i did this. Several times, i’m a full f2p hs player and reached legend.
So i deserve a prize?

Shooters will always be better on pc thanks to the mouse. Launching shooters on consoles only is a waste of potential

Sorry, i can’t take this serious. There isn’t such thing as video-game adiction. Its called self control.
I play video-games a lot more than i like to admit, but i always get things done in the real world. Sometimes i miss deadlines, but nothing i can’t ever fix. Its great to spend the day gamming, hell, i’ve spent

Blizzard never admits they got the HS expansion wrong. And they got it several times wrong.
Its one big lie when you say Quest Rogue is not OP.
Saying that can be beat by agro, imagine that. A game that only contains face decks and quest rogue. The kind of decks that hurts the game.
Its obvious, Blizzard made a mistake

Sorry Joshua, but i disagree on the money speding factor. I’m a full free to play player, that simply remembered to have a limit in gold saved for an expansion, in this case, i had 6000, wasted 1500 directly in packs, and 1000 in arenas, most of them returning my money, one 12wins run and 3 11 wins.
And this expansion

Patricia, Stealth in Horizon helps you a lot, and saves you a lot of time as you know. I feel like you left more important skills out of the list, Leader strike and Critical Hit saved me ammo and trouble, ending fights before they even start, and every camp being cleared without using 1 arrow.
I skilled all first skill