a twitch streamer with “hit any goals = micro bikini” wants even more attention. And of course, Kotaku gives them.
It’s the internet, is not for snowfloakes, grow the hell up.
a twitch streamer with “hit any goals = micro bikini” wants even more attention. And of course, Kotaku gives them.
It’s the internet, is not for snowfloakes, grow the hell up.
I’m trully amazed Pokimane is trying to stop milking her simps. It’s an amazing initiative, many of her subs spend their lifes in the shit because they donate every penny to her.
Still, i’m always sceptical with Pokimane, this could all be something to benefit her in a way i’m not seeing.
If it isn’t, if she is trying…
What the hell did he just said that was racism? Tell me exactly where it is
First Twitch should start on not being Camsoda, and then, after that, maybe the community will mature.
Another day, another win for radical feminism.
My god i can’t wait for my turn to win a lawsuit for male discrimination. Oh wait, that will never happen.
Man just have to suck it up to every piece of crap the world has to offer, while women now are protected by feminism that barelly has any grounds.
Did Kotaku got paid to do this article?
We all know what Fallout 76 really is. Trash
Meanwhile Amouranth can show pussy on her stream.
What the hell do you want? Stop with this snowflake attitude
Older generations would never let this happen.
What were she thinking, she isn’t Amouranth
First time i’ve seen a female streamer saying the truth “I don’t want to date any of you”
Since no female streamer says this, because they know the money will stop.
I hate Alinity like everyone else, but for crying out loud, this is not a problem for the cat AT ALL.
You are such snowflakes, my god.
This is what happens when you give access to Beta to players that never were there, nor had the decency to check how Vanilla actually was.
Komani should focus on the online mode, thats the only thing they are behind Fifa.
The rest, can be created by Patches the kits and everything, and since most of the clubs didn’t have licenses and were replaced by patches, losing Dortmund makes 0 difference
Blizzard only needs to fix Shudderwock deck, and to fix it, they need to rework either Shuder or Lifedrinker, Shudder is a great card, so Lifedrinker should get the nerf hammer, and it will be the best expansion to date.
But Blizzard normally doesn’t care, and leaves ALWAYS easy broken decks for the less skillful…
This is very simple to understand.
This, is what the world gets, when you let people out of control just because everyone is free.
Modern Feminism is a disease, of rejected women filled with flaws that they don’t want to fix, and instead, its easier to blame the entire world, but herself. And i’m sure all the modern…
So let me think if i got this straight.
It always blows my mind, how the awards go to everything that is related to Nintendo. Last Year Award was an easy one, it was Horizon Zero Dawn. I expect to Zelda be first, because nostalgia. Horizon Zero Dawn is by far better, but Zelda already has a name in history of gaming, so, i expected that.
What i didn’t…
So, massive cleavage, fishing for virgins to donate thousands, obvious freaking gold diggers that understood that virgins can be easily manipulated, they don’t get a ban.
Maybe because Twitch receives a cut, who knows right? Right.
Maybe someone can explain to me how an anime like Hunter x Hunter stops, while shitty animes, really horrible ones, get sequels after sequels until the manga ends