
I Can’t remember the name of the mob, Kirk. But it is the flying bird equivalent of the Thunderjaw, the last bot in this post.
Man those are a serious pain, huge in both size and hp, and hard to hit since they are almost always flying. Its the bot i hate fighting the most.
Thats it! Stormbird, its the name.

Since i left LoL after 4 years because of the community, i wait with hope that LoL will fall.
And it looks like Riot is doing the right decisions for it.

The animation looks like its 100% computerized. When they talk reminds me of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 cutscenes.
If the manga is as good as you are saying Luke, its disappointing to have such terrible animation.

Hearthstone is one of my favorite games, and i’m happy to see Lifecoach taking a stand.
HS is getting worse every expansion, and no does something serious about it.

The damage is done. A friend of mine reached Legend with only 1 month of experience in HS. Guess with what? Face decks, mainly Pirate Warrior.
Blizzard knows perfectly what they were doing with face decks, thats why HS will never be a respectable card game. And its such a shame because is a game i really love to play.

Sadly, the recent gaming community  is a lot more aggressive, and that might drive him out of the games he will try.

It killed Roadhog, and now, the Hook 2.0 is the one that is not realistic.
If a fat pig hooks you, you can hide whatever you want, if he pulls you, you are going to pay him a visit. Physically thats how it works.

One of my fears that stops me from streaming is this.
If by some miracle my stream gets famous, i have no idea how to protect my accounts\computer against this.

Can someone please tell me how Roadhogs hook break the laws of physics? Or is just people has such a weak brain capacity and tilt every time they die to a roadhog? When a hook lands his target before you go behind a wall, you get pulled either way. If you don’t come to roadhog, your char should be crushed by the force

Funny how you use a female streamer as the image of this post, because they really need this. While most of them chase the money, this new mod will even help them to have a more relaxed stream while money rains.
Its reality. I’m not being a hater.

My friend, games aren’t supposed to be easy. You have to fight to get that in-game money.
You only pay for the money if you want no effort whatsoever. Thats why gaming industry is a little f**ked up right now. Many want to pay real money to remove the effort from that game.
If you don’t want any effort, find a

Cheaters have a young and still immature mentality, as you said he isn’t even 18. And the older cheaters, have that 18 year old mentality.
Plus, the generation is different, i never cheated in a game in my life and never will, on the other hand, young gamers today cheat a lot more than old gamers.
“Hate the sin, not

Is it only me that finds it funny, that Call of Duty is a competitor to Titanfall instead of Battlefield like the past years? xD
On a serious note, does it mean that Battlefield now has now the entire market of his genre?

Kotaku, i feel like you failed to evaluate Mafia 3. I always read your posts, agree and learn 99% of the times. But with Mafia, you got it totally wrong and i don’t understand why. It was the game with least content of the franchise, more repetitive than Assassins Creed 1 by far, so you know its very boring to play,

going to be honest with you. The part that the newbie died, brought a tear to my eye.
a clearly frighten man, who you shared a laugh, those kind of stories that you expect for him to come back home, but he died, like many others. Thinking about how he felt the entire time he was deployed. Jesus

Any news on the English Dub? Don’t get me wrong, i love anime with Japanese dub, but Dragon Ball was always an exception as i never thought of it as an anime, and of course i got used to the voices, especially Vegeta that has such a unique voice. 

I thought Professional Hearthstone was dead. I’m amazed.
Better try my luck with those pro shaman and Yogg decks.

Do you want piracy of Modern Warfare to happen? Cause thats how you make it happen.

Kotaku seems to forget an important fact about Pro Evolution Soccer games. Every single year, everything people have to trash talk PES, is gone by the end of the month.
No Logos? 1 Week from the premiere there will be always a patch to fix the Logos, Strips, everything. What is supposed to be the only thing Fifa has

People can already kill a world Boss? So... World Of Warcraft still didn’t change the difficulty back. They still didn’t get it why they are losing players xD