
Wrong. Jolteon was the best by far from the first 3 evolutions, in fact, was the fastest pokemon in the game, with one of the highest spc atk. Vaporeon was the worst of the 3. Flareon wasn’t used because you had Arcanine\Charizard . In Pokemon Go, they changed the order, being Jolteon really really bad, that even

You are playing an EA game. I wonder what did you expect? Funny, i reached division 2, without spending a single cent, and i’m not a Fifa player, i don’t even play it anymore. You waste money cause you want to, don’t complain cause there is a glitch in the game, and that one, makes little difference. Well, it makes

Funny, before to play the game to its fullest, you would need to dedicate a lots, lots of time, but it was the most played game in the world.
Now that is really easy, no one cares about the game. It only shows that the gaming community likes a challenge, something hard to create a sense of accomplishment. Its obvious,

About damn time Mcree gets nerfed. To be safe against him i had to be phara or widow, everything close to him would get melted without a chance of fighting back

Wow doesn’t have that option ;)

Hahaha, the cheaters are sad for being banned on their second acc even if they don’t cheat anymore? Suits you right. Cheaters are cancer of the gaming world. If you cheat once, you don’t deserve to play the game anymore.

Reaper counters pretty well Roadhog, being large, is very easy to hit the shotgun blats and you can melt a tank easily down.
On the other hand, Roadhog also counters Reapers ult easily, i use it very often the tactic of hooking Reaper when he starts his ult, therefor you cancel the ult, and kill him after. Chances are,

i noticed this several times. For example, yesterday i was going for an execute with Genji, and in my screen, it showed the move, i was already behind him, and he should be already dead. But instead, i was one the one to die, and in the kill cam, i never made the dash.

Love how they ranked the easiest with a lot of power, in the worst spot, to try to calm the salty players down. Soldier 76 has everything, Bastion with a good team backing him up, its very hard to kill him, and Torbjorn Turrets are hell for Offensive chars from long\medium distance.
I really want to know tho, why Genji

I was so tilted that i never thought that GvG was going to be cycled out. Alright

You people don’t realized the deflection of Genji is easy to see to experienced players, and a proper Bastion can just stop shooting, and kill him after 2seconds. Plus, its not only bastion, you need to kill him while dealing with 4 other players on the other team.
Blizzard and the “Defenders” of Bastion not being

I can’t accept the fact that Tidus looks like a totally different person. Thats why i can’t play this. Stupid reason han

I’m usually great at any FPS game, really good at it. But here i have trouble aim in. Maybe cause its a faster pace shooter than the ones i’m used to. Dunno

This game as already his validation date. With heroes like Bastion, Soldier 76, and the rat -.- Every game is the same. Play of the game always for them, for doing nothing. If they don’t create a ban system before playing, this will be another failure of blizzard.

You are one of the players that used the exploit i see. You are wrong, they made a mistake and you are taking advantage of their mistake. What about us players who play the game as IT SHOULD be? The exploits are there because you search for them, to make a faster progress in the game comparing to the others that are

Wait wait wait. After weeks cheating, you are going to give them only a 15 days ban? What, the, fuck?! I’m fine with that if you roll back their progress to lvl 1. But only that? thats nothing

I don’t get it, how is it that hard to create the classic Wow servers? Difficult? You receive millions of income every month, for sure is not a money problem, and in fact, having that classic Wow would bring players back, meaning more income, a lot of it. Blizzard says “We aren’t sure whether this version of a clean

I can already see the cards.
“Random do this” “Random do that” i used to love this game, but now, pisses me off losing\winning because its RNG dependent.

Cloud from AC is great, they could perfectly use him. The one in a trailer don’t look so good.
If the reason for that look is to try to make him “asianer”, that is a bad idea :\ Cloud is Cloud, he is caucasian.

This question can be very dumb, but, how is he already playing the game? Wasn’t the release date november 10?