
I can help with this because its my job! Keep up with all the drops they gave you, especially the lubricating ones. The drier your eyes, the worse your discomfort will be. Go nuts with them. Stop with the numbing drops as you’re just prolonging the agony- the eye needs to know it has to work to heal itself- just use

If you haven’t already, try the Mass Effect series and play as FemShep. I found it to be a richer game playing as a woman rather than a generic dude, and Jennifer Hales’ voice acting is superb.

Blepharitis is basically Cradle Cap that babies get so the shampoo solution is an old standby for our patients. Its easy enough to manage especially in that period of no contact lenses when you’re waiting for your surgery. I work in laser eye surgery,but I’ve also had it done myself. I was a -6.50 rx and now my

I do whenever i greet my patients and give them an overview of how they can expect their surgery to proceed. A good laser technician assisting the surgeon should also explain this and fire the laser a few times before you go under it so you get used to the sound as its quite loud.

I try to when I greet and scan patients, and a good laser technician (who assists the surgeon) should also explain this when you go into theatre as well when they describe the noise of the laser and the proceedure.

You will for reading but that will happen regardless of surgery or not due to natural changes in the lens. Your distance will be ok for several years, or theres always Natural lens replacement surgery. You have options.

Ask about LasEK, its a better option for people with thin corneas and no flap is created. Instead a chemical solution is used to remove a few layers of cells from your eyes to allow treatment to go ahead. The recovery is more painful but its an option.

Try getting hold of some Blephaclean from your optom, or using a gentle solution of baby shampoo and warm water. Bathe your eyes a few times a day for a week and that should help clear it up. If you're considering Laser correction, you cant wear your contacs for a few weeks prior to surgery (to allow your cornea to

Congratulations! Full disclosure- I’m a surgery manager for a company that does laser eye sugery and this is the best write up of the proceedure that I’ve seen. I’m also a patient, having been a -6.50 rx until 15 months ago.

I work with several eye Laser & IOL eye surgeons who still wear glasses. Don’t take it as a negative. Like many people who come to us, they simply aren’t suitable for surgery for various reasons like chronic dry eyes, keracotonus, or corneal dystrophy. Would they have the surgery? Absolutely.

Thats exactly what it is.

You won’t. They’re treating you in a way known as Monovision. One eye will be corrected for your needs, i.e right distance, left near vision, and the brain will adapt. Should you want to have this, INSIST on a monovision contact lens trial if its not offered. You optom will provide you with lenses for distance and

You can shower the next day but you want to keep water out of your eyes for a week after surgery, and no swimming for at least 2 weeks afterwards. Basically, you dont want anything to cause you to rub your eyes and dislodge the flap created (LasIk) because then you will experience pain like no other and want to die.

The smell ISN’T your eye -it’s the smell of the 3 gases used by the laser, usually oxygen, helium and a premix. The laser is cold and generates very little to no heat so its really hard to burn something with it. I’m a surgery manager for a Laser Eye Surgery clinic and this is one of the most common misconceptions