pinnacle of car technology, which is why it’s funny that the cars run on 13-inch wheels.
pinnacle of car technology, which is why it’s funny that the cars run on 13-inch wheels.
I pay no attention to pro golf, and I have only ever swung a golf club at a mini-golf place, and once or twice at a pitch-and-putt kind of place, but I used to play the old PGA Tour games in the PS2 era.
I’m an Android guy all the way, but this is great news! Glad to see more good golf games coming out. Between Hot Shots/Everybody’s Golf/Mario Golf, I’ve been playing these games for YEARS. They’re just plain fun, whereas the PGA Tour games just kind of miss the mark for me. I can’t wait for Mario Golf on Switch, but…
If the clock in the PS4 is reset, it renders all content unplayable until it reconnects to the internet and synchronizes its time. This was done to prevent people from “cheating” on trophies to manipulate their system time to make it look like they earned them earlier than anybody else.
Nothing so called, they are pirates. They are breaking the laws. No one is entitled to getting to play old games. The best approach would be to change the copyright laws to make them more reasonable. Obviously that is no easy feat. So accept the risks you are taking, and acknowledge that you are breaking the law.
I gotta go Asura from Asura’s Wrath. One of the most perpetually pissed off characters of all time, fought Gods, punched planets, this guy was a beast.
My frustration is that nearly all manufacturers missed the transition from “manuals are for cheap loser cars only” to “enthusiasts with disposable income want manuals in their enthusiast cars.”
I like adding the extra bonus of trophy’s to games but I tend to look ahead and see if there reasonable. I dislike time trophy’s (Beat game under two hours), grind trophy’s (reach level 100), restricted gameplay trophy’s (Only use base gear), time wasters (taking more then five hours to achieve one trophy). Because I…
I got the platinum in Jedi: Fallen Order last year and more recently Ghost of Tsushima. Both excellent platinums in my opinion. You won’t get either by just mainlining the story, but if you love the world and want to do some exploring, neither of them are gated by obnoxious difficulty requirements or multiple…
It depends.
THIS - anyone that loves a game and plays it through - completing the sidequests and such should pretty much be inline for a Plat. I have two - Persona 5R (which was WAY easier than P5's) and Ghosts of Tshumia which I finished everything and was only missing a couple that involved going to a specific location or two…
Especially if you daily drive it!
NASCAR will decide if they’ll let Kyle Larson back into a car, but sponsors will ultimately decide whether he gets a ride.
His house, then use the proceeds to buy a place without an HOA?
I like this. In Norman OK. Mazdaspeed 3 is a blast to drive and can double as a stuff and people hauler
I’m going to go with a V6 Mustang. here’s one near dallas. $8500, 305hp, 31mpg on the hwy, 6speed, leather, premium package.
Is the concern him being thrown from the chair or the chair tipping over? There are racing wheel stands designed for people sitting in ordinary chairs in front of a TV, might be compatible if he rolls under it, Looks like the width of the base is small enough to fit between the front wheels of a manual chair, and the…
A lot of reviewers on Amazon are upset that the DLC isn’t on the disc. I don’t really care, but others might.
A lot of reviewers on Amazon are upset that the DLC isn’t on the disc. I don’t really care, but others might.