
I clicked all the way through to get the the comments just to say this is the last and only time i will ever click through one of these goddamn slideshow articles.

please dear god no. 

I like your list, but the clicks make me feel dirty :( 

NO ONE should be using this word yet we reward some people with million of dollars for the continued use and distribution of this word.

Police did not identify speed as a primary factor in any of the 14 fatal crashes on 75 mph freeways in 2018

Keep the Cresta away from blonde haired former gang members.

Me too. Lexus is the answer here, IS, ES, or GS will do the job depending on the size he wants.

I hope this guy reads this far into the comments!

Awesome choice for the ‘used’ side of the argument. ++

Go find a lightly used GS lexus and have your cake and eat it too. Gs450h. About 300 horsepower, hybrid, rear wheel drive, toyota reliable.

This is infinitely better than all the people suggesting he get a charger or something.  The man’s been driving a 13 year old camry.  Everything is going to feel like a rocketship.

When I bought my 2000 Jimmy the PO had put on a flowmaster exhaust and huge oversized tires and raised it up. I bought a set of the tires it came with, put on a stock exhaust and new shocks and set the ride height back where it belongs. I also put the stock radio back in and scraped the surfing stickers off the rear

“I so wish EA would take another look at it for what it did right and not try to slap their current derailings onto it like the sequel had.” 

Even autocorrect is smart enough to not leavenooses” just anywhere.

Mr Driller and Intelligent Qube.

Musk you be so dramatic?

none of these bowsettes are even remotely beefy enough to be good.

About 25 years ago, my brother and I found a 1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1 sitting in a yard partially covered by a tarp that the wind had tried to blow off. We knocked on the door of the house, spoke to the owner who took us to see it and showed it off. He wasn’t willing to sell the car, as he said he was going to give it

Man, Baby Boomer men just couldn’t help themselves from enjoying this lame ass song from a sex offender. They are drawn to repetitive, chorus heavy songs like moths to a light.