
Drill Seargant Brownstone (5'2") hated my guts... Until the PT testing, then he reduced his hate to merely loathing me.

COLOR: Brown Tabby

Jezebel is a great cat name.

I im'd a coworker about this frigging cat before I left the office for the day... And now I'm posting about this on Jezebel (great cat name btw). Oy vey!

Porn is not a documentary.

"Foxcatcher" looks pretty awesome. The backstory appears to be quite depressing.

Looks like Target Field.

Clipper fans? Are there really and truly any legitimate Clipper fans out there or are they simply Laker fans with their shirts turned inside out?

We're a planet full of ghouls.

Perhaps a bit of hyperbole but it was a crazy way to kick off a series. I mean, holy shit...

The first episode is crazier than the red wedding and the Ned Stark episodes of GOT's combined.

I kinda love that Tucson is all "fuck the Suns"

As the NBA and NHL playoffs move along the disparity in entertainment levels appears to be an ever growing gap with the NBA being the lesser of the two entities.

"For the most part you win by drafting and developing top-level players"

You need to watch the Wild/Blackhawks series... Two good teams playing hard nosed hockey but playing with respect for each other.

Let's not act like they're playing hack-a-POTUS when Barack takes the court for those famous pickup games.

"Nobody don't wanna see that shit."

Where is the degenerate pre-teen girl with projectile shovel when you need her?
